Glos Eco-village camping trip, mark 2!
Apok | 11.05.2011 20:45 | Ecology | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | Cambridge
As promised- more notice this time...
After one seriously wet night, followed by one lovely sunny morning, followed by another night of rain- it has been decided, NOT to move the next camping trip one week forward- to this coming weekend (as previously stated) but two weeks forward. The MET - after failing us over the weekend - promises the weather will be more hospitable then.
After one seriously wet night, followed by one lovely sunny morning, followed by another night of rain- it has been decided, NOT to move the next camping trip one week forward- to this coming weekend (as previously stated) but two weeks forward. The MET - after failing us over the weekend - promises the weather will be more hospitable then.
So, the next Gloucestershire eco-village camping trip will take place on Friday the 20th, through to Sunday the 22nd.
The location has changed, however it's still in the Forest of Dean.
For those of you that missed the last invite, here is the info...
The Gloucestershire eco-village group will be meeting for a weekend of camping, live music, discovering some of the forests secrets whilst foraging about for wild edible, relaxing around the campfire- debating how we might go about resolving the complex, seemingly insurmountable problems we all face. Whilst enjoying the sun, and each others company amongst the natural splendour and beauty of the forest of dean.
This camping trip has been organised to allow for a much needed discussion, and networking between people interested in establishing an eco-village in the Gloucestershire area. To also discuss the possibility of setting up a group of guerilla gardeners, to begin the process of turning land that is damaged, abandoned and unloved, back into the productive eco-system it once was.
We could turn run-down buildings into educational, and inspiring spaces, to host community events, skill-share workshops, free courses and talks on a wide variety of subjects, all in an free, informal environment. Somewhere fun, for people to come and learn about the world around them, and themselves.
Using the methods of agro-forestry, and through developments by such groups as permaculture, we are now able to design eco-systems around our needs, using the laws and methods of the natural world within our design, to grow forests that produce an abundance of food. This is what we could be doing with waste land, unused tracts, brown and green belt. Organised together, we could restore land degraded by destructive farming methods, start community gardens and allotments, spaces for the local community to learn about growing their own food, and for children to become interested in plants and wildlife.
We will talk, plan, and share ideas about addressing the problems we all face- affordable housing, homelessness, rising food costs, destruction of the natural world, energy costs, rising political and economic absurdity- these are all OUR problems, and if we seek to resolve them we ALL need to take responsibility, and meaningful action. Pointing the finger of culpability, or hoping that we'll get out of this mess by voting red instead of blue in 4 years, is simply absurd.
admin [at] apokaluptein [dot] org [dot] uk
for more info/ instructions on how to get there.
See you in the woods, : )
The location has changed, however it's still in the Forest of Dean.
For those of you that missed the last invite, here is the info...
The Gloucestershire eco-village group will be meeting for a weekend of camping, live music, discovering some of the forests secrets whilst foraging about for wild edible, relaxing around the campfire- debating how we might go about resolving the complex, seemingly insurmountable problems we all face. Whilst enjoying the sun, and each others company amongst the natural splendour and beauty of the forest of dean.
This camping trip has been organised to allow for a much needed discussion, and networking between people interested in establishing an eco-village in the Gloucestershire area. To also discuss the possibility of setting up a group of guerilla gardeners, to begin the process of turning land that is damaged, abandoned and unloved, back into the productive eco-system it once was.
We could turn run-down buildings into educational, and inspiring spaces, to host community events, skill-share workshops, free courses and talks on a wide variety of subjects, all in an free, informal environment. Somewhere fun, for people to come and learn about the world around them, and themselves.
Using the methods of agro-forestry, and through developments by such groups as permaculture, we are now able to design eco-systems around our needs, using the laws and methods of the natural world within our design, to grow forests that produce an abundance of food. This is what we could be doing with waste land, unused tracts, brown and green belt. Organised together, we could restore land degraded by destructive farming methods, start community gardens and allotments, spaces for the local community to learn about growing their own food, and for children to become interested in plants and wildlife.
We will talk, plan, and share ideas about addressing the problems we all face- affordable housing, homelessness, rising food costs, destruction of the natural world, energy costs, rising political and economic absurdity- these are all OUR problems, and if we seek to resolve them we ALL need to take responsibility, and meaningful action. Pointing the finger of culpability, or hoping that we'll get out of this mess by voting red instead of blue in 4 years, is simply absurd.
admin [at] apokaluptein [dot] org [dot] uk
for more info/ instructions on how to get there.
See you in the woods, : )
