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france has become a military state

rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[dot]com (rikki) | 11.05.2011 11:16 | London

very little mainstream coverage of developments in france, so i thought i'd flag it up here. recent laws and now troop deployments on the streets have changed french society into an overtly militarised state.

the 'vigipirate' operation across france sees troops openly deployed at shopping malls, airports, tourist sites, and town centres as part of a supposedly anti-terrorist response to threats identified as a result of france's involvement in libya.

the military deployment, estimated to cost many billions of euros per year, and ongoing and open-ended, follows on the recent laws banning the veil, a law allowing the state to intercept and read everyone's emails, and also allowing phone taps without any magistrate's warrant.

the whole campaign is a simply incredible assault on civil liberties, and so far has been met with surprising little resistance.

the concern is, that with a single false-flag event in the uk, we could see something similar happening here.

rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[dot]com (rikki)
- Original article on IMC London: