Birmingham cops and 'community types' behind racist, illegal 'Project Champion'
Tony Gosling | 10.05.2011 22:38 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Technology | Birmingham
Here are the names of those responsible for implementing one of the most racist uses of public money in British history. The multi-million pound 'project champion' in which CCTV cameras were erected in Muslim areas where there was zero evidence that anybody in the area was a terrorist. The residents were being targeted simply for their colour and for their Muslim faith.
Paul Lewis wrote about 6 articles for the Guardian.
Paul Lewis wrote about 6 articles for the Guardian.

ACC Anil Patani,
West Midlands Police Assistant Chief Constable (took early retirement)
Patani, an Indian Hindu, was the Senior Responsible Officer under two diff chief constables. He has an interesting history, having presided over at least two previous race relations disasters. This is the man everyone 'in the know' said civil liberties campaigners should 'go after'.
*CC Sir Paul Scott-Lee,
West Midlands Police (retired). He was West Midlands Police Chief Constable during Project Champion - until April 2009.
*ACC Stuart Hyde,
Assistant Chief Constable, West Midlands Police (promoted away - now DCC of Cumbria police).
*These two lied to councillors in the dodgy briefing in 2008 about the scheme: 'terrorism not the primary focus' and 'not targeting muslims'.
ACC Suzette Davenport,
Assistant Chief Constable West Midlands Police (promoted away - now Deputy Chief Constable of Northamptonshire police)
While at West Mids Police she led for the Force on 'Intelligence and Neighbourhood Policing' - until approx 2008.
CC Chris Sims,
Chief Constable West Midlands Police (still in post).
Despite being in charge of the force for over a year while Project Champion was being planned and implemented, he was not mentioned in any report, either by the police or the council. It's as if he knew nothing about it or it was nothing to do with him. His name has been kept out of it completely. Yet he was in charge of the force during the final planning and implementation stages of Champion, while ACC Anil Patani was the senior Responsible Officer for the Project.
'Bishop' Derek Webley,
Chair, West Midlands Police Authority (still in post)
Webley unquestioningly signed the project off as a purely counter terrorism operation. Chair, Derek Webley is incompetent, failed in his duty to represent the people of Birmingham or hold the Chief Constable to account and should be sacked. (he is likely to be a freemason)
Jackie Russell,
Director of the Safer Birmingham Partnership (redundacy)
This 'crime and disorder reduction partnership' serves as a policy laundering front group - making national/central government policies appear to be local partnership initiatives. She attended early meetings where everyone else at the meeting was a counter terrorism officer. Then she knowingly and unquestioningly marketed the scheme to the public as a crime reduction and community safety initiative. I understand she lost her job due to cuts in govt funding to the Safer Birmingham Partnership.
Councillor Ayoub Khan,
Birmingham City Council Cabinet Member for local services and community safety (still in post). He was the council's yes man, co-operating fully in thie scheme.
Rob James,
Hodge Hill Constituency Director / plus Community Safety (still in post?). He was a knowing apologist for the scheme: "There was no consultation because it was intelligence-led."
West Midlands Police Assistant Chief Constable (took early retirement)
Patani, an Indian Hindu, was the Senior Responsible Officer under two diff chief constables. He has an interesting history, having presided over at least two previous race relations disasters. This is the man everyone 'in the know' said civil liberties campaigners should 'go after'.
*CC Sir Paul Scott-Lee,
West Midlands Police (retired). He was West Midlands Police Chief Constable during Project Champion - until April 2009.
*ACC Stuart Hyde,
Assistant Chief Constable, West Midlands Police (promoted away - now DCC of Cumbria police).
*These two lied to councillors in the dodgy briefing in 2008 about the scheme: 'terrorism not the primary focus' and 'not targeting muslims'.
ACC Suzette Davenport,
Assistant Chief Constable West Midlands Police (promoted away - now Deputy Chief Constable of Northamptonshire police)
While at West Mids Police she led for the Force on 'Intelligence and Neighbourhood Policing' - until approx 2008.
CC Chris Sims,
Chief Constable West Midlands Police (still in post).
Despite being in charge of the force for over a year while Project Champion was being planned and implemented, he was not mentioned in any report, either by the police or the council. It's as if he knew nothing about it or it was nothing to do with him. His name has been kept out of it completely. Yet he was in charge of the force during the final planning and implementation stages of Champion, while ACC Anil Patani was the senior Responsible Officer for the Project.
'Bishop' Derek Webley,
Chair, West Midlands Police Authority (still in post)
Webley unquestioningly signed the project off as a purely counter terrorism operation. Chair, Derek Webley is incompetent, failed in his duty to represent the people of Birmingham or hold the Chief Constable to account and should be sacked. (he is likely to be a freemason)
Jackie Russell,
Director of the Safer Birmingham Partnership (redundacy)
This 'crime and disorder reduction partnership' serves as a policy laundering front group - making national/central government policies appear to be local partnership initiatives. She attended early meetings where everyone else at the meeting was a counter terrorism officer. Then she knowingly and unquestioningly marketed the scheme to the public as a crime reduction and community safety initiative. I understand she lost her job due to cuts in govt funding to the Safer Birmingham Partnership.
Councillor Ayoub Khan,
Birmingham City Council Cabinet Member for local services and community safety (still in post). He was the council's yes man, co-operating fully in thie scheme.
Rob James,
Hodge Hill Constituency Director / plus Community Safety (still in post?). He was a knowing apologist for the scheme: "There was no consultation because it was intelligence-led."
Tony Gosling