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Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair

Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair | 10.05.2011 18:50 | Culture | Sheffield

***Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair Afterparty***
8:00 til 2:00, Saturday 21st May
@ the Redhouse, 168 Solly Street

***Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair Afterparty***
8:00 til 2:00, Saturday 21st May
@ the Redhouse

Smiling Ivy (ska/dub/funk)\

Banditos (punk/folk/ska)

Jeremiah Ferrari (reggae/punk/ska)

Jezabellezza (one very colourful lady with a keyboard!)

Surviving Savannah (alt-rock)

Early P (reggae, dub)
Rich Smol (techno, breakbeat)

£4 on the door (or £3 with a bookfair/M.A.SH flyer)

The money raised at this night is going to Mutual Aid Sheffield (M.A.SH). M.A.SH is a voluntary group providing solidarity and support for strikes, workplace actions and community struggles through direct action. The group is open to any worker or unemployed person across any sector. It is independent of all political parties and trade unions and is non-profit.

Find out more about M.A.SH here:

What’s that? Nothing to do before the gig? Then come along to the Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair:

Saturday 21st May, 10:00 - 18:00
Bank Street Arts, Bank Street, Sheffield S1


Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair


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Red House

11.05.2011 08:46

Nice to see that this historic pub is still in use by anarchists in Sheffield. During the Sheffield gang wars there was a famous shoot-out with the cops outside it, and the pub was an occassional Sheffield Anarchists haunt in the 70's and 80's. Within a stone's throw of the Red House were The Albion where Sheffield Anarchists had their first meetings in the 1960's, the Old Crown where a blackleg was shot during 'The Sheffield Outrages', Edward Carpenter's veggie cafe, 'The Den' where 'The Sheffield Anarchist' was produced, and much more.

Old @

The monolith

11.05.2011 13:30

The programme looks good. Nice to see past comrades like John Creaghe and Fred Charles acknowledged. BTW the monolith (formerly at the top of Fargate) DOES still exist, though not on Fargate - it's in Endcliffe Park.

Old @