Title: Back on the Map the Photo Shoot "The story in pictures" [pictures dated from 2003] "here s a visual of how it went "
What is the story? I think you need to have some context. I have no idea what any of this is about. Care to explain for those of us that were not there?
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What story?
10.05.2011 19:25
"The story in pictures"
[pictures dated from 2003]
"here s a visual of how it went "
What is the story? I think you need to have some context. I have no idea what any of this is about. Care to explain for those of us that were not there?
Are you talking about
This is probably the story...
10.05.2011 19:43
Faslane blockaded 10 May 2011.
Maybe camera date stamp not set.
If anyone knows different, please let us know.
story here
11.05.2011 14:40