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Osama bin Laden mainstream media Twitter campaign

new cross | 08.05.2011 14:54 | Analysis

Why is the mainstream media just repeating what the White House tells them about the
"death" of Osama bin Laden? Are these news stories driving you mad?

I'm trying to get an OBL Twitter campaign going, aimed at the mainstream media.

Its really easy to Tweet to BBC, CNN, Sky etc journalists, producers and
news programmes.

The Twitter address of these journalists can be easily found with the search function.

This is the tweet I'm using:

"Why don't you report and investigate the obvious staged and fake
nature of Osama bin Laden's "death"? Please do your job."

Good idea?

new cross


Hide the following 9 comments

Nutter alert: elevated

08.05.2011 15:10

No, it's a crap idea since you are clearly delusional.

Reality Check

rubbish idea

08.05.2011 19:06

...obvious staged and fake...

i think you are on your own there.


Excellent idea

08.05.2011 19:25

Media are getting away once again with their somnambulistic dance to the tunes of American racists and imperialists. Obama is the Black man with the Whitest brain and is in a frenzy to prove that he can excel any White president in imperialism, hypocrisy, and conmanship.


BBC's Orla Guerin today from Abbotabad

08.05.2011 19:59

Excellent report from the BBC's Orla Guerin today from Abbotabad. She shows most people in town do not believe #OBL lived in house

new cross

Yes, lets.

08.05.2011 21:44

"No, it's a crap idea since you are clearly delusional."

Oh no, its the return of reality check. He who doesn't believe anything unless it

A Appears on the BBC
B Comes from the Whitehouse
C Has an entry in Wikipedia
D Has been peer reviewed by somebody with a BA.

In short, he's one of life's 'hangers on"! Never had a single original thought in his entire dullard of a life.


Reality Blank


08.05.2011 22:30

Bearing in mind the fact that the powers that be do have some strong interests in gaining information about OBLs organisation, to believe he has been killed is just about as ridiculous as believing in 45 minute WMDs trained on London!

If they do have OBL he will have been rendered to somewhere, probably in Europe, and will be undergoing torture/interrogation. When it seems he is not able to provide any more information, he will be disposed of...........possibly at sea!

This is really the only possible accurate outline of events............unless of course the future plans and current operational status of the world No 1 terror organisation, simply doesnt interest the government of the worlds No 1 terrorist nation!


fuck off back to stormfront

08.05.2011 23:10

>> Media are getting away once again with their somnambulistic dance to the tunes of American racists and imperialists. Obama is the Black man with the Whitest brain and is in a frenzy to prove that he can excel any White president in imperialism, hypocrisy, and conmanship.


Suggesting that black men are pure and yet white men are imperialist conman.
And that anyone with a "white" brain is evil

So, matey jim, it all comes down to COLOUR does it?
Why do you fuck off to stormfront with all the other racists.


White an black.

09.05.2011 19:06

"Suggesting that black men are pure and yet white men are imperialist conman.
And that anyone with a "white" brain is evil"

I'm white and I know just what an evil fucker I am!

I've always though the black people were much nicer than me.

Am I a racist?


yes you are a racist

11.05.2011 18:01

If you start discriminating against people based upon those believes that all black people are nicer than white people, then yes, you are a racist.

An easy test is to ask what if you made statements with the colours reversed?
Would it be frowned upon? The order of the colours doesn't really matter, its racist by definition.
