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trafalgar square occupation 48 hours going strong

rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[dot]com (rikki) | 01.05.2011 01:24 | London

the 'occupation against the cuts', which took up its usual weekly position yesterday evening, looks set to stay for its full proposed 48 hours this weekend, despite trafalgar square being the final destination of the annual mayday workers' march this afternoon.

the weekly trafalgar square cuts protest had no problem setting up camp yesterday at 18.30, with at least a dozen tents  pitched for the night. this afternoon, as thousands entered the square to listen to speakers at the end of the annual mayday march, there was a lot of networking and mutual support.

once again they had laid out papers in the shape of the words 'no cuts' and invited passers-by to write their own stories of how the cuts had affected them.

as the mayday folk began to drift from the square, the police, both uniformed and undercover had to try to find something to do, and some spotters pointed out a young guy who was quickly surrounded and hustled away in handcuffs. he was apparently arrested for criminal damage to the olympic clock, but one witness said that the small graffiti tag in question had been there for two hours before the arrest. maybe the police just had to arrest at least one person after deploying so many officers and undercovers for the wholly peaceful march.

in compensation for the arrest, we witnessed a fine speech about 'facilitating protest' from chief inspector switzer, who handed out his mobile number to occupation folk, and said he had no intention to remove them, but they could call him if they wanted any clarification or any help. i'm not sure they'll be calling him any time soon.

however, the fact remains that despite last week's night of threats it seems that the occupation is being tolerated for the full 48 hours this week.

they'll be there all day tomorrow until 18.30, and welcome peaceful respectful support from all, so go visit on bank holiday monday and find out what they're up to - maybe take some food to share, or just spend a little time chatting and building the resistance to cuts.


rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[dot]com (rikki)
- Original article on IMC London: