Lib Dems Lose Control of Bristol Council
imcvol | 08.05.2011 01:24

Yesterday the people of Bristol went to the polls voting over electoral reform and local government. The council election result has already come in, with the AV vote result expected later on tonight.
The big news is that the Lib Dem's no longer have over 35 seats, losing five councellors to see their overall number drop from 38 to 33. The seats the Lib Dems have lost are: Ashley to the Greens, Hengrove, Lawrence Hill and St George West to the Labour Party
Labour are the primary beneficiaries, rising from 17 to 21 seats, with the Tories unchanged with 14, and the Green Party picking up a second seat on the council. With 70 seats in total, this means that the Lib Dems have lost their overall majority, and that no party has overall control of the council.
Though with a average turn out of just 39% across the 24 wards contested, apathy, contempt and forgetfulness get a wacking 61% majority.Result At a Glance
Lib Dem 33 -5Labour 21 +4
Conservative 14 +0
Green 2 +1
Local Election Results: Lib Dems Bruised, Greens win Second Seat | Lib Dems Lose Control of Bristol City Council
Original article on IMC Bristol: