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A Question of Sovereignty

Friends of Muad'Dib | 08.05.2011 00:12 | Repression | Terror War | Sheffield

Queen Elizabeth II is going to be called as a witness to a historic trial that is set to begin Monday, May 9th, 2011 in the Southwark Crown court at 10am.

This might postpone her scheduled and unprecedented trip to Ireland and should be of major interest to everyone in the U.K. and around the world.

The Royal Heist and the Great Pretender

While the so-called "royals" are still basking in the glow of the most expensive wedding party in history, the most important case to ever go to trial in the U.K. is set to begin in less than a week. This unusual case involves a British author, researcher and film maker, who will be on trial May 9th, 2011 in Southwark Crown court, London, England because of a malicious and politically motivated charge that the British government has used to make his life miserable for the past two years and to threaten him with life in prison.

Officially, for sending a DVD to a UK court, as an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the court) brief, to help prevent a miscarriage of justice. The DVD was a thoroughly researched documentary film about the 7/7/2005 London bombings that the defendant produced entitled "7/7 Ripple Effect".

But it isn't just the gross injustice that makes this case intriguing. What is really interesting is in bringing John Anthony Hill (JAH, Muad'Dib) to trial, the British authorities don't realize that they are actually providing the means for the exposure of the biggest and best-kept secret of the British royal family…

Elizabeth A.M. Battenberg/Mountbatten (a.k.a. Elizabeth II) is a fraud and has been masquerading as the monarch now for over 58 years.

And John Anthony Hill has rock-solid proof of it; 458 lbs worth to be exact. Elizabeth II was never Lawfully crowned and even if she were (and she most definitely was not), she has broken her Coronation oath thousands of times. The first time she did so meant she was no longer the monarch with immediate effect, even if she were Lawfully crowned, which is most definitely not the case.

Please see the link below to an article carried in the Sovereign Independent that needs to breakthrough to the mainstream media:-

This extremely important story needs all the media coverage it can get so that the people of the world may finally know the truth about the so-called British royal family and to ensure that justice is served.

Friends of Muad'Dib
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No Thanks

08.05.2011 01:17

This same guy claims he is the Sheffield-born messiah and demands 'that he be acknowledged as the Rightful British-Israel King.'

The July Seventh Truth Campaign issued a pretty solid rebuttal to his nonsense.

Legitimate efforts are being made to get to the bottom of what happened on 7/7. Please stop discrediting them.

Links to solid info...

J7: The July Seventh Truth Campaign - 7/7 Inquests: The 7 July Inquest Verdict

The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry by Dr. Nafeez Ahmed ("Nafeez Ahmed’s understanding of the post 9/11 power game, its lies, illusions and dangers, is no less than brilliant. Everyone should read this wise and powerfully illuminating book." - John Pilger

'7/7, Terror and Torture: Protecting the Deep State by Dr. Nafeez Ahmed

'Crevice Revisited: Violent Extremism and the British Secret State' by Sam Urquhart

7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction. Directed and Written by Tom Secker: Duration 147mins

A Review of 7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction by J7: The July Seventh Truth Campaign



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Bereaved Families

10.05.2011 19:54

"One of the packages included a letter to John Hyman telling him his daughter Miriam did not die in the Tavistock Square bus blast but was murdered by the security services at Canary Wharf in London, Southwark Crown Court was told"

"[Annabel Darlow, prosecuting] said the letter addressed to Mr Hyman had said: "I do not believe Miriam was on the number 30 bus. I don't think you believe that either. I believe she went to Canary Wharf, witnessed and photographed the murder of the Muslim patsies and was murdered by the security services to silence her."


Nutter alert: code red

13.05.2011 12:08

I suspect "Muad'dib" has consumed too much melange for the good of his own grasp on reality.

Duncan Idaho