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German Police Spies + Kennedy

j | 07.05.2011 19:57

Kennedy (et al) and the German spies still a burning issue in Germany

original german text here:

bad google translation here:

If anyone wants to translate German texts, or has a better automatic translater, let us in Germany know.

In solidarity,

bad google translation:

Körting spying
Outing after British police agent, a spy story from the capital jumped back on the agenda: the observation of the Berlin Social Forum
By Matthias Monroy
Members of the Berlin Social Forum at a meeting of the availability
Members of the Berlin Social Forum at a meeting of the Constitutional Protection Committee on 22 June 2006
Photo: Christian Ditsch / Version
In the affair of the arson of the British secret agent Mark Kennedy in Berlin, is interior minister Erhard Körting (SPD) clueless and would "like to know in the future," scurrying about which foreign agents here in Berlin. Kennedy had lit the end of 2007 on the edge of a demonstration building projects to receive a garbage can. The action was staged to introduce spies into the left-wing scene.

Here, Körting intelligence has himself been involved in a years-long infiltration of leftist activists, with the Oberwaltungsgericht must now deal again. 2006 reported the mirror that had a sniffer, the Berlin Social Forum (BSF) infiltrated. Accordingly, for years were the negotiations on a social center, internal discussions and monitors almost all sessions. However, several union officials were researching. Research showed that Berlin was supported by the then knowledge of at least four trust people or informant of the Federal Office for Constitutional Protection. Körting justified the use of spies at that time that the Social Forum was "infiltrated by Rule."

The researcher also been political scientist Peter Grottian, who received along with the intelligence committee of the Senate access to documents, wanted to name any names become known sniffer. Shortly afterwards, the whole of Germany Berlin journal Interim sent the search to two of the public was leaked. Accordingly, at least one of the Federal Office paid spies had used his work in the Social Forum, to infiltrate the anti-repression work for the G-8 summit in Heiligendamm. The Social Forum, he was responsible for organizing the mailing lists.

At that time, about 100 people had submitted requests for information from the State Department for Protection of the Constitution and called for including the files. According to a press release of the "sniffer AG of Berlin Social Forum was" the claims are processed slowly and then flat refused, otherwise conclusions about the 'working methods and sources, "Protection of the Constitution would allow. Concerned had filed lawsuits against it five, one of which was a positive decision three years ago: The Administrative Court of Berlin, criticized, not all won with intelligence means information would generally enjoy protection of secrets. However, the judicial decision so far nothing enlightening for the mourners has brought to light: Because of the "special public interest," the Senate put an appeal over which is heard at noon today at the Higher Administrative Court.

The process is expected to affect the affair secret service methods and foreign police informer. Because demand for transparency, for example in the case of the aforementioned Mark Kennedy, running here into the void: From "operational tactical considerations" deny state and federal authorities for further information.



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undercover German cops at G8 protest, Scotland 2005

07.05.2011 20:39

at least 2 german undercover cops were found out at the G8 in Scotland in 2005. One gained entry to a van and went through personal possessions. Another was a female agent provocateur legitimising human collateral damage in the anti-capitalist struggle in open discussion on the morning of 7/7 during an extended morning camp discussion at Stirling camp.

amon duul