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Nuclear Power - the Great Debate

Campaign against Climate Change | 06.05.2011 18:04 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Technology

Thursday 12th May, 7.00pm

Room VIII, Vernon Square Campus of SOAS (please note NOT the main campus), off Penton Rise near Kings Cross station/tube.

Join us in a debate on the proposition: "Nuclear Power has no place in the fight against Climate Change: it is simply a diversion which leads us away from the real answer, renewable energy".

With Stephen Tindale, ex Executive Director of Greenpeace but a recent convert to the case for nuclear, and Darren Johnson, Green Party chair of the London Assembly Environment Committee.

Does the Fukushima disaster prove that nuclear power presents a risk greater than we can afford? Or does the burgeoning climate crisis represent a far greater risk that we should pull out all the available stops to avoid - including nuclear? Can renewables fill the gap if we scrap both fossil fuels and nuclear? Is it politically feasible to reach a zero carbon world without nuclear?

Hear the arguments and bring your own!

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Any MEDIA download on this??

07.07.2011 22:53

Is there an MP3 file anywhere of this debate??
