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Why do people hate the police?

Dave Lucas | 05.05.2011 10:17 | Policing | Repression

Question on website called which is read by serving police and y bpolice specials. Do you have anything to contribute?

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Dave Lucas


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message in a bottle

05.05.2011 10:51

i like the police


Here's your answer.

05.05.2011 12:02

Because the police think they live in a world of roses and good intentions. They also think they still live in the world we inhabited before 2001. The police have yet to fully understand that our politicians have taken us into a dictatorship and the police are considered by the majority to be the front-end of that dictatorship.

No matter what debate is had, no matter what views are put forward, no matter what publicity stunts are engineered...the public view and attitude will remain unchanged.

If the police want that to change...then they must join those who will be standing on the burning steps of the fraud that is our American Parliament.


Is is because..

05.05.2011 13:18

They are reflex trained to crack your skull without any hesitation?

In my view, I don’t trust that potential in anyone.

Dixon of fantasy island

Why do people hate the police

05.05.2011 16:17

Because they repress, injure and kill people...

British Muslim recounts 'violent police assault' to court

Police 'failed miserably' dead reggae star Smiley Culture

Ian Tomlinson unlawfully killed by Pc at G20 protests

Police 'kettle' tactic feels the heat

Police shoot man with Taser gun in Nottingham

Blair Peach killed by police at 1979 protest, Met report finds


You just pulling out the bad points

05.05.2011 18:10

Its pretty stupid to just list a few key wrongs and then attempt to write off the whole police system.

For instance, police tracked the killer of Jo Yeates and bought them before court.
I doubt a bunch of anarchist amateur sleuths could say they could of achieved that.


Cloud cuckoo land

05.05.2011 18:37

The trouble with spending time with people you agree with is you come out with things like :

"the police are considered by the majority to be the front-end of that dictatorship"

"the majority" Are you drunk? Are you high? Have you ever met anyone who isnt part of The Struggle?

It's also why donuts think we're in for insurrection in the very near future....
We're not - the recession will end, and the current unrest gently subside. It's happened repeatedly over the past 30 (or more) years.

Sorry but.

Sorry but ...

the recession?

05.05.2011 18:47

"the police are considered by the majority to be the front-end of that dictatorship"

-- Any source for this "fact" because i think it is drastically inaccurate. Most polls show that the majority of people want more "bobbies on the beat" etc. In fact, one of Labours main arguments to it's voters was that the tories would be cutting back on the police. I doubt they would say that if it meant more people vote tory.

"We're not - the recession will end, and the current unrest gently subside. It's happened repeatedly over the past 30 (or more) years. "

A lot of people in "the struggle" still seem to struggle (pun intended) on this one.The recession ended in the last 3 months of 2009 ! Thats near 1.5 years ago.


Da Killer Po Lice!

05.05.2011 18:55

"Its pretty stupid to just list a few key wrongs and then attempt to write off the whole police system."

You make it sound as though the police are wonderful despoiled by a few bad apples.

If you live in a picture postcard village out in the countryside among wealthy white middle class then the police will be a picture of loveliness.

If you live in a crowded city among an ethnic minority of the poor and base class then the police will be a picture of hell.

Given that the vast majority of the UK populace are crammed into city centres the police are generally considered to be troublemakers and thugs. The reason for that is because the majority are far to young to be police officers and just can't handle it.

The majority of police officers I've met strike me as melodramatic drama queens and try-hard 'americanos'. Losers mostly. But I have also met a few old skool who were a lot more adult about things.

Trouble is they are a dying breed.


da police, init aye

05.05.2011 19:40

You make it sound as though the police are wonderful despoiled by a few bad apples.

well, its just that the police solve tens of thousands of genuine crimes etc and then some idiot lists about 7 bad things and tries to make out the police are all bad. Sorry, but it doesnt wash.

>> If you live in a picture postcard village out in the countryside among wealthy white middle class then the police will be a picture of loveliness.

Yes. Probably because they don't get people treating them like shit.

>> If you live in a crowded city among an ethnic minority of the poor and base class then the police will be a picture of hell.

Yes. Probably because they get people treating them like shit.

I lived in both (i am not a policeman). The nice place, people were nice to me, so i was nice to them. The poor place, people gave me lots of shit so I wasn't nice to them. The correlation appears to be that shit areas have police who treat people like shit. And nice areas have police who treat them nicely.

>> Given that the vast majority of the UK populace are crammed into city centres....
Err I say that is wrong.

>> The majority of police officers I've met strike me as melodramatic drama queens and try-hard 'americanos'. Losers mostly. But I have also met a few old skool who were a lot more adult about things.

I'd say most of the people they have to deal with are just out to make a point and argue for arguing sake. It just seems "something to do", for a lot of people because they don't really have any hobbies or interests.


Init doh!

06.05.2011 01:30

"I'd say most of the people they have to deal with are just out to make a point and argue for arguing sake. It just seems "something to do", for a lot of people because they don't really have any hobbies or interests."

So why do I have a cousin in London married to a Chief Inspector that says the service is fucked to buggery and saturated with the "wrong sort"?

You need to get out more!!!

"The correlation appears to be that shit areas have police who treat people like shit. And nice areas have police who treat them nicely."

Doubt it.

I think that shit areas have higher poverty so local councils are short of cash forcing police to generate revenue through the courts from targeted set fines and fabricated offences, and nice areas are wealthier so police can afford to be relaxed and a bit nicer.

But then again you might be right, it could all be down to 'wot peeple ar like'!


Facts and fools aka foolish facts.

06.05.2011 01:58

"Any source for this "fact" because i think it is drastically inaccurate. Most polls show that the majority of people want more "bobbies on the beat" etc. In fact, one of Labours main arguments to it's voters was that the tories would be cutting back on the police. I doubt they would say that if it meant more people vote tory."

Inaccurate you say!

Law and order polls are carried out immediately after a serious high profile crime is committed or a high profile court case has ended involving serious violence.

These polls are taken then because the result is suitably predictable and political parties in the UK recognise the electoral importance of appealing to the police. Public opinion doesn't take into account the economy of the police service or its relevance to the national economy and doesn't ever consider that the number of police on the street is always increasing for reasons of employment, not crime or law and order.

The public demanding extra police on the streets is a regular manufactured political media poll that isn't worth the paper its written on. Its routinely regarded as the most purile and nondescript poll in the British political system. The results of these polls are always released prior to police service or country council funding reviews. It always returns the same result.

You could have the police cracking the public's skulls open with sledge hammers for sport at the olympics and the poll will still show "the public want more bobbies on the beat".

Labours argument that the Conservatives would be cutting back on police numbers was an argument about unemployment and the economy, not public safety.


you're wrong; i'm right

07.05.2011 01:19

>> You could have the police cracking the public's skulls open with sledge hammers for sport at the olympics and the poll will still show "the public want more bobbies on the beat".

In you opinion.

>> Labours argument that the Conservatives would be cutting back on police numbers was an argument about unemployment and the economy, not public safety.

In your opinion.

Your opinion = a poll featuring a single person.
--> A poll of one person is not of equal weight to a poll featuring tens of thousands of people.

Heres one for you - show me a public poll (public as in not a fringe group like anarchists) where people think there are TOO MANY police, and i might start listening to you.
You cannot discredit a poll by using mumble jumble. Its like a vote, and if you are saying those votes are worthless simple because you don't like the result then you are an idiot.


Tool of the state

07.05.2011 23:00

Because the majority of people are poor and most policing is done in favour of private property and against people in poverty.
