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Ian Tomlinson's Inquest verdict it is Unlawful Killing!

Justice? | 03.05.2011 15:05

The Inquest Jury's verdict is just out.

News just out that the verdict of the inquest jury is Unlawful Killing. That P.C Harwood used unreasonable force in the use of his baton.

Question is, will he now be prosecuted?



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Lawful killing

03.05.2011 15:44

Nice to hear he might finally get what's coming (if we're lucky ...). But the real verdict of this should be 'lawful killing'. The cops gathered round him to protect him, he did nothing the rest of them haven't done he just got 'unlucky' that the person he assaulted happened to die. I mean for christ's sake it's shameless, 2 years later and he's STILL suspended on FULL PAY and has the gall to walk into a court room and claim to be there to help the family and claim a video shows something it patently shows the opposite of.



And even after all this the scum won't get what's coming to him

03.05.2011 22:26

Who else really believes that this murdering filth will even face charges, far less serve any time?

Crazy Barry

Halfway there

04.05.2011 13:49

Halfway to justice for the Tomlinson family. The DPP is considering manslaughter charges against the violent pig PC Harwood. The cynic in me says that the DPP will say there is not enough information for a prosecution and will probably plead it down. Relevant case law for a similar attack is;
R v Furby (2006)
For a reason that the court regarded as an explicable reaction, the appellant struck a single punch of moderate force to the right cheek, the deceased collapsed to the ground and died due to a subarachnoid haemorrhage. Appellant of good character. Sentence reduced to 12 months imprisonment. Case law cited confirms that if there are aggravating circumstances the sentence could be as high as four years.
