The RCG attack against the Libyan revolutionaries.
Hal | 02.05.2011 14:46
The RCG attack against the Libyan revolutionaries.
The so-called Revolutionary Communist Group have published a astonishing article in 'Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!' attacking the Libyan revolution. They are using their paper to conduct a smear campaign against their leaders, and they are apparently supporting a ceasefire.
The revolution was inspired by those events in Tunisia and Egypt where the protesters managed to rise up and change the regimes from within. Within Libya the protesters and revolutionaries were gunned down by Libyan security and military forces. The revolution had no choice but to fight back, and in a war every side looks for allies.
Gaddafi has a ally in Chavez and Castro, and China and Russia were not going to do anything when Gaddafi was planning a mass masacre in Benghazi. The RCG doesn't mention this fact. So what were the people of Benghazi expected to do? Fight Gaddafi's airforce and tanks with stones and sticks?
And if the UN hadn't intervened then no doubt the RCG would bring up the fact that the Libyan army was partly armed by the west.
The African Union, Chavez, Castro were all going to sit back whilst Gaddafi was preparing to massacre his own people. And the AU and Chavez's offer of meditating a ceasefire was ridiculous. A ceasefire would have gave Gaddafi more opportunity to kill and torture his own people.
The newspaper also attacks the Provisional National Transitional Council (NTC), but a search of the internet couldn't find any collobaration of their accusations, and this paper is notorious for not citing sources.
The reason that the Revolutionaries and the Libyan people turned to the UN is because nobody else, not South America, Russia, China or AU was going to help stop the massacres.
The RCG newspaper doesn't mention the atrocities commited by Gaddafi, no mention of the thousands detained in Tripoli, or the siege bombardment of Misrata and other atrocities. The just blame everything on Britain, France and the US.
Rightly they condemn the invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan and the West's inaction over Gaza, but comparing like with like is politically naive. The world has changed, dictators are being challenged everywhere in the middle-east by revolutionaries. Some regimes like Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Yemen are supported by the West, some like Iran and Syria are supported by Russia and China. Of course there is a imperialist struggle betwwen the US and Europe on one side, and Russia and China on the other, and that is why we should all be supporting these revolutions.
Would the RCG have condemned the Socialists fighting against Franco if the socialists had been armed by France and Britain? The left during that period condemned France and Britain for doing nothing, and this allowed Germany and Italy the opportunity to help crush the legitimate government of Spain.
Once the Revolution topples Gaddafi, then we should all insure that the west's backs off and allows the people to develop a new type of democracy.
If anybody wants a read at the article it is posted below
The so-called Revolutionary Communist Group have published a astonishing article in 'Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!' attacking the Libyan revolution. They are using their paper to conduct a smear campaign against their leaders, and they are apparently supporting a ceasefire.
The revolution was inspired by those events in Tunisia and Egypt where the protesters managed to rise up and change the regimes from within. Within Libya the protesters and revolutionaries were gunned down by Libyan security and military forces. The revolution had no choice but to fight back, and in a war every side looks for allies.
Gaddafi has a ally in Chavez and Castro, and China and Russia were not going to do anything when Gaddafi was planning a mass masacre in Benghazi. The RCG doesn't mention this fact. So what were the people of Benghazi expected to do? Fight Gaddafi's airforce and tanks with stones and sticks?
And if the UN hadn't intervened then no doubt the RCG would bring up the fact that the Libyan army was partly armed by the west.
The African Union, Chavez, Castro were all going to sit back whilst Gaddafi was preparing to massacre his own people. And the AU and Chavez's offer of meditating a ceasefire was ridiculous. A ceasefire would have gave Gaddafi more opportunity to kill and torture his own people.
The newspaper also attacks the Provisional National Transitional Council (NTC), but a search of the internet couldn't find any collobaration of their accusations, and this paper is notorious for not citing sources.
The reason that the Revolutionaries and the Libyan people turned to the UN is because nobody else, not South America, Russia, China or AU was going to help stop the massacres.
The RCG newspaper doesn't mention the atrocities commited by Gaddafi, no mention of the thousands detained in Tripoli, or the siege bombardment of Misrata and other atrocities. The just blame everything on Britain, France and the US.
Rightly they condemn the invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan and the West's inaction over Gaza, but comparing like with like is politically naive. The world has changed, dictators are being challenged everywhere in the middle-east by revolutionaries. Some regimes like Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Yemen are supported by the West, some like Iran and Syria are supported by Russia and China. Of course there is a imperialist struggle betwwen the US and Europe on one side, and Russia and China on the other, and that is why we should all be supporting these revolutions.
Would the RCG have condemned the Socialists fighting against Franco if the socialists had been armed by France and Britain? The left during that period condemned France and Britain for doing nothing, and this allowed Germany and Italy the opportunity to help crush the legitimate government of Spain.
Once the Revolution topples Gaddafi, then we should all insure that the west's backs off and allows the people to develop a new type of democracy.
If anybody wants a read at the article it is posted below

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