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Solidarity needed for Iranian hunger strikers!

No Borderer | 01.05.2011 17:21 | Migration

The situation of the Iranian hunger strikers is becoming more urgent

The situation of the six Iranian asylum seekers currently on day 24 of their hunger strike has become more urgent.

The six Iranian pro-democracy activists have been holding a protest against their deportation by camping outside Lunar House, the Home Office building in Croydon, and outside Amnesty International Offices in Clerkenwell, central London.


The men have experienced brutal torture in Iran for their part in resistance to the authoritarian rulers of that country. While we all know that the Home Office barely glances over asylum applications, what is especially appalling about this case is that not only have the men been subjected to severe personal ill-treatment (as required to be considered a refugee); but they came to the UK with substantial (and often difficult to produce) evidence that was completely disregarded: torture wounds over their bodies, newspaper articles with their photos in identifying them as activists, etc.

Some of the men were then screwed over by an unscrupulous immigration lawyer, who failed to even translate and submit key evidence.


Not having eaten for 24 days has made them ill, and one of them (a 17-year old), is seriously ill and may suffer long term kidney damage, according to a nurse who visited them.

They have refused to go to hospital; the men in Croydon called paramedics when they were unwell but became anxious and mistrustful of medical staff and did not want to get into the ambulance.

The Croydon protestors were also the target of racist abuse, when a man set fire to one of their sleeping bags and ripped up their publicity.
No Borders and Iranian Green Movement activsists and other sympathisers have visited and stayed out with them.

This video shows their current situation and gives some background to their cases:

These guys have risked their lives to fight oppressive rule in Iran, and have suffered serious consequences as a result. They have been neglected by the government here and ignored by NGOs - it is critical that they get support from grassroots campaigners.


Raise the profile of their case:

- They have specifically asked that people sign their petition:

- Contact the Home Secretary (more details about their names and cases via the link above)

Rt. Hon Theresa May, MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office,
2 Marsham St
London SW1 4DF
Fax: 020 7035 4745

- Contact the media

- Share it on Facebook:

- Ask Amnesty to take on their case

- Join the upcoming demo in support of the hunger strikers (details to be posted here soon)


No Borderer
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Demo this Friday!

03.05.2011 00:43

The details for the demo are as follows:

Assemble 2:00 pm at Parliament Square
followed by march to protest outside the
Home Office
Marsham Street SW1
3:00 to - 5:00 pm

More info here:

Join us!

No Borderer