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McDonald producing violence and racism

Kris | 30.04.2011 22:23

A big man punches a teenage girl in an argument he was first in the line, a group of ugly fat female monsters beating up a transvestite until she has got brain shock

Not only is Mc Donald cruel to animals, making me sick everytime I see or smell it, but it's also producing aggressive violent dehumanized monsters.
Check this out. You think Tesco is the most appropriate corporation to target today? Think again.



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01.05.2011 06:58

It is difficult to know which is more disgraceful - the unprovoked violent attack on this trans person, or your attempt to hijack it to pursue your own personal vendetta against McDonalds. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Lucky to write that stuff on the computer

01.05.2011 09:08

Let me tell you what. you wouldn't call me like that if you were in a reach of my hand you wanker.
