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World Week for the Abolition of Meat - May 2011 Campaign

contact(at) | 30.04.2011 10:50 | Animal Liberation | World

Our societies have to pronounce on the unjustifiable character of meat consumption from an ethical viewpoint: it involves sacrificing the basic interests of innumerable sentient beings whereas eating meat is unnecessary. Let's abolish meat!

It is a sad assessment that, despite the fact that the animals used for food represent almost all the animals exploited, they are extremely invisibilized. It is up to us, activists, to make their lives and their miserable destiny visible and to present prospects for putting an end to their slaughtering. It is up to us to proclaim that it is morally necessary to abolish the exploitation of animals used for their flesh.

Call for the upcoming WWAM: from May 21 to May 28, 2011

As you know, the World Week for the Abolition of Meat ( organized at the end of January which was very successful ( was organized in both Americas, in Asia and in Europe.

The next WWAM ( will take place between May 21 and May 28, 2011.

The aim is to promote again and again the idea that the production and consumption of animal flesh must be abolished (

We will take action as long as the demand remains necessary.

Our societies have to pronounce on the unjustifiable character of meat consumption from an ethical viewpoint: it involves sacrificing the basic interests of innumerable sentient beings whereas eating meat is unnecessary.

The idea is to claim loud and clear that it is not only the duty of each individual to stop supporting the murderous exploitation required by the consumption of animal flesh and "by-products", but that it is also, therefore, the duty of societies as a whole to declare themselves in favor of the banning of farming, fishing and hunting.

If you're committed to making our shared cause progress, starting today, you may:

1) plan actions for this upcoming WWAM and publish announcements of your actions on this form ( -- this is essential for promotion!
You can find material here:

2) post this call, circulate it widely and publish it on the indymedia ( in the various towns of your country (please let us know about your publications by sending us an email at contact(at);

3) contact the media about the demand for the abolition of meat and about the events that will be organized around it;

4) print and distribute leaflets ( and brochures (;

5) send in your logo (maximum 150 pixels for length and width) if you have one so that it can be published on the "partakers" page (;

6) make contributions on the subject (such as analysis texts, fiction, poetry, drawings, films, performances, banners, etc.) that may get published on the website.

Contact: contact(at)

WWAM organization: (under construction)

Short, introductory texts:
For a world-wide movement for the abolition of meat:

Frequently asked questions:

For in-depth information: "Meat Abolition" brochure (

French-language discussion group:
To subscribe, send a blank message to: abolitiongroup-subscribe(at)

English-language international discussion group list:
To subscribe, send a blank message to: meatabolition-subscribe(at)
Facebook :


This call is available in the following languages:

français :

- e-mail: contact(at)
- Homepage:


Hide the following 3 comments


30.04.2011 13:52

Time to read 'The Vegetarian Myth' by Lierre Keith

what about the top soil

next on your reading list....

30.04.2011 15:01

Vegetarian myth is a great read all vegans should read it. Once you've read it read: Meat, a benign extravagance by Simon Fairlie after which it should be dinner time.


The book the Vegetarian myth is simply crap!

04.05.2011 02:44

Ok the above two comments were meat eats trying a wind veggies up (i get that) but ha I own a copy of the vegetarian myth and i read it when I was at uni (I tried to use in an essay - it's trash so i couldn't). There are some really good reviews online as well which I won't bore you with but the basic problems with it are as follows:

1 the referencing is terrible the vast majority of "references" are websites and obscure non academic books (some obviously with a biased agenda), it even references wikipedia 5 times as well as google answers. The top soil stuff is interesting but when you look at the research (and referencing) backing it up it falls apart.
2 the Carbon-13 analysis is clearly wrong (and has now been widely discredited) Kieth states it only occurs in grass eating animals when it actually occurs in all animals.
3 the author states (page 140) there are no bacteria in the human stomach (which is clearly wrong) - a search on wikipedia shows (a source the author loves) there are currently 130 known types that live in the human stomach (actimel anyone?).
4 it is clear the author doesn't know a lot about basic hunter gather communities she makes sweeping statements and then attacks rumours from other sources. The simple thing is Paleolithic diets were as broad as the habits early humans lived in.

But why believe me, have a look for yourself (perhaps don't buy it as Kieth doesn't deserve anything for the book) - libary or ebay maybe?
