Thought Police Use Royal Wedding As Cover To Stamp Out Dissent
V | 29.04.2011 17:22

The Bristol Bookfair facebook page has been deleted without notice by facebook. It is one of many pages deleted in the last 24 hours. Other dangerous groups include Westminster Trades Council, Rochdale Law Centre, Save NHS, Tower Hamlets Greens and York Anarchists - so at least they are being even-handed!
An article on AntiCuts Space has the details and states: "The Anti-Cuts Space London facebook group has been taken down without warning or permission. In the last 12 hours, facebook has deleted around 50 sites. Message people in extant groups to warn them, and tell them to get on your email list or twitter account instead. Screw you Zuckerberg." See full list.
A quick check by us reveals that according to facebook: "Disabled - Inauthentic account. Why was I disabled? Fake accounts are a violation of our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.Facebook requires users to provide their real first and last names." Bristol Anarchist Bookfair is of course our full name, and has not been questionned since we set up the account to network info about the Bookfair several months ago.
Are we surprised? Ha Ha Ha of course not. Of course not, we live in the real world, facebook is just one tool of communication, and its also a tool of capital to make money. We, as anarchists, challenge capital and the state, and aren't in the least surprised to have our account closed down. It may be the website next? Lets face it, at the end of the day we are organising a highly dangerous event where people read, buy and sell books full of ideas, theories and histories of struggle. Even worse, they actually sit down and discuss those ideas. An then afterwards they have a party. Such events have been repressed for centuries by capital and the state. Nothing has changed. The freedom of social networking remains just an illusion of freedom.
Welcome to Stokes Croft, Bristol, Britain 2011. Welcome to the myth of national untiy whilst the royal parasites inbreed. Welcome to the ConDems Big Society.
Comrades and friends who would like to help us continue to spread news of the Bookfair are asked to link to our website, cut n paste or download and upload the info about the bookfair. Cheers.
Other articles: When your face doesn’t fit: Facebook censorship ( | HOW TO RESPOND WHEN FACEBOOK CENSORS YOUR POLITICAL SPEECH ( | Pre-Bristol Bookfair related events 29 April to 6 May |
Original article on IMC Bristol: