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EDLers To Appear On Strictly!

Non-Diversity Dance | 28.04.2011 00:08 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Sheffield | World

Neo-Nazi EDLers are learning to compete on Strictly Come Dancing, inspired by the racism of Tony Beak (Anton du Beke).

Here we see EDL members mastering the Quick Step!

Non-Diversity Dance


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How can a group which has gay and transgender people in it be neo-nazi?

28.04.2011 08:46

How can a group which has gay and transgender people in it be neo nazi? The EDL also has a Jewish section as well. It seems that anyone who speaks out against Islamic extremism is shouted down with cries of nazi, thus stifling any debate about the Islamic extremist threat.


Fuck Off Back to Stormfront, EDL Troll!!!

28.04.2011 09:51

Read Malatesta's blog for the truth what happened to the EDL's pretend Jewish division, which happened to be led by non-Jewish Odinist Pagan Roberta Moore. As for the Gay division, most of them vanished after they got beat up in a Wetherspoons by rank and file EDLers long ago, an event censored by Tommy Roobinson himself on Facebook, as he doesn't like bad publicity which gets in the way of making big bucks from EDL merchandise.

The "Uncle Toms" or "poster boys" are only for show, but with Titus in jail, the game's up for the pretence they are not hardline fascist scum.

Since then, the EDL have given up pretending they are not a bunch of Hitler-worshipping neo-Nazis, and even the senior EDL organisers are now thrusting straight arms in the air for their beloved dead Adolf (see recent picture from Blackburn)!!!

One thing's sure about EDL pricks, they do not like having the piss taken out of them.

Seik Heil Caxley-Lemon

Hands Up If You Love Hitler!!!

28.04.2011 09:55

The swastika tat is soooo hard!!!


Reach for the sky, for the English Reich!

28.04.2011 09:58

England football needs nazis!


Uncle toms hit the dust....

28.04.2011 10:04

Normal nutzi service is resumed.....

Lord Lichfield

Straight To The Point

28.04.2011 10:09

Seik Heil EDL

EDL = Nazi Scum

pictures .....

28.04.2011 10:15

speak volumes


EDL will be defending the royal wedding route.

28.04.2011 10:16

Thousands of EDL will be defending the royal wedding route. We will be in small groups spread along the length of route with all groups linked via mobile phones. We will be keeping a watch for trouble makers to stop them disrupting the event. It was decided that it would be unwise for us to gather in a big group as our gathering would then become a focus for police attention or opposition groups and detract from the police security operation so we have decided to split into small groups and act as look outs for potentional trouble makers instead. We will not deal with troublemakers ourselves as we don't want to inflame any situations but will hand over any trouble makers to the police on duty.

EDL member

And the beat goes on......

28.04.2011 10:28

Mike Bayliss is no-UAF infiltrator. He's EDL through-and-through, and he simply adores his fuhrer.


Cheeky skinheaded EDL chappie...

28.04.2011 10:36

... expresses support for the murderers of the Holocaust.

The fake Jewish devision ledp by Odinist Roberta Moore, nowhere to be seen apart from a lone tokenistic Israeli flag.


Delete the EDL Trolls, admin!

28.04.2011 10:40

Can someone please delete the EDL comments.

This is Indymedia not Stormfront!

Troll Crusha!

Delete the EDL Trolls, admin!

28.04.2011 10:43

Can someone please delete the EDL comments.

This is Indymedia not Stormfront!

Troll Crusha!

EDL Warning:

28.04.2011 10:46

... WILL contain neo-nazi nuts!!!


I could be all day doing this.....

28.04.2011 10:51

.....There are so many nazis in the EDL!



28.04.2011 10:57

... an EDL twat who is knows making Nazi salutes is shameful!

Box Brownie

What's The Date?

28.04.2011 11:04

Rudolf Hess's birthday.

A time of celebration for patriotic EDLers everywhere!!!


Please let's not forget their fascist Rangers supporting cousins the SDL

28.04.2011 11:09

..... who will be seik-heiling again this weekend in Berwick upon tweed



28.04.2011 13:56

us anti fascists traditionally show solidarity with movements like the ANC, IRA PLO, that traditionally fight against fascism, that`s why we are recruiting muslims to fill the vacum at UAF demonstrations.

uk fightback

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28.04.2011 16:01

Does everyone here use Indymedia to give each other a handjob and go on and on about how much better we are than the EDL?



have it

28.04.2011 16:59

our boyz could take on any of yous any time of the day

don't mess with the best.


Admin: Delete The neo-Nazi Trolls

28.04.2011 21:52

The last three comments have been posted by EDL supporters.

Please delete, Admin.

Leave the braindead EDL supporters to nod along to Hitler's marching anthems elsewhere!


Troll Copz

soft lad

29.06.2011 00:37

"our boyz could take on any of yous any time of the day

don't mess with the best."


;-) how old are you?

Giuseppe Pinelli

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