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Hayward House: Interview with service user (Concerned of Notts) | 24.04.2011 17:23

In recent weeks it has emerged that the daycare service provided by Hayward House is to end. A campaign against this move has sprung up, attracting considerable local media attention. I interviewed one of the users of the service to find out what they felt about what was going on.

1) Can you describe the services you receive at Hayward House?

I have been a daycare patient for over 6 years. I am in the advanced stages of cancer to my spine, lungs and kidneys. Very frequently between my oncology appointments I am quite   poorly and in increasing pain, I am always able to see a member of the medical team during  my daycare visit and they always able to help me. Whilst I enjoy the social element of my visits the daycare unit is a frontline 1st class medical facility. The PCT seem to want to airbrush the superb medical care offered and focus on the social aspect which although is important it must not eclipse the medical side.

2) What is your opinion of the plans to cut this service?

The decision to relocate this service is not only heartless it has not been thought through in a clear and concise way. Over a period of time everyone who uses daycare creates a special bond with the other people they see everyday/every week. It is an extremely cruel to transfer patients to various  locations. I.e. The Nottingham hospice is only able to accommodate another  10 patients ,as there are in excess of 5000 visits per year to daycare  it is blatantly obvious that Treetops will not be able to cope with the remaining capacity.Both these hospices do not provide the level of medical care which is offered at Hayward House.

3) What would you like to say to the Primary Care Trust (PCT) about their decision to cuts this service?

The PCT must reverse their decision to close the Daycare unit. In the last year in excess of 70k has been spent in refurbishment of Daycare and it is a travesty if this money is wasted.Both joint CEs of Nottingham County NHS have refused to visit the unit which proves that the medical care element has not been taken into account.

4) What would you like any concerned readers to do to support the campaign?

We must all join together to ensure that Hayward House Daycare continues as it is now. The decision to close has been taken by persons with no clinical experience in end of life cancer care and has totally betrayed David Camerons manifesto pledge of no cuts to frontline services. If end of life cancer care is not front line perhaps Mr Cameron can tell me what is?. (Concerned of Notts)