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March for England: Brighton

'Malatesta' | 24.04.2011 15:30 | Anti-racism | South Coast | World

The usual toothless eejits went to Brighton and proved nothing.

The two things that plod hate most are political demonstrations and football crowds and today in Brighton they got both. March for England held a Saint George’s day demo – which they claimed was neither a parade nor a protest – and gathered a toothless retinue of football hooligans who put a crimp in a few people’s weekend. The cops responded in a heavy handed manner and despite outnumbering the March for Little Englanders by 2:1were visibly nervous. Your correspondent got questioned, frisked and shoved by a cop accusing us of throwing stuff at the MfE in the space of 20 minutes. The cops were hot and bothered, sweating beneath their riot helmets and 3 layers of uniform and with the abuse from the MfE – ‘Harry Roberts is our friend’ – it all added up to a frustrating bank holiday weekend for them, overtime notwithstanding. Shame. Plod was being very careful about arresting any of the MfE knowing how volatile they can be when denied beer and toilets. The MfE were optimistically hoping to mobilise similar numbers to the English Defence League demos but they were very disappointed: they got about 100 from a rough head count. They also seemed to be joined by the EDLs Weightwatchers Division.

Before the march, the MfE claimed 2 things that they subsequently forgot on the day: they said that it was to be a St. George march and not ‘political’ but ended up chanting ‘no surrender to the Taliban’? Not being local to Brighton we can safely assume that there are very few Taliban knocking around Kemp Town. They also said that this was nothing to do with the English Defence League but then, on the way back to the train station, they unfurled EDL flags. Oops! There is a photo of someone holding an Essex Infidels flag which has been seen on EDL demos before. On their website they had asked people not to display any EDL insignia. The MfE demo had known EDL members on it and the majority were not local. There were people from Essex, Eastbourne and Portsmouth thus proving that Brighton EDL is very weak indeed and that signing up to a Facebook page does not translate into shoe leather on the cobbles. Any half pissed moron can do that. Local numbers have had to be supplemented from other ‘divisions’ from afar. The cops had expected more and had drafted in bobbies from around the south east. They held a thin blue line between the MfE and the counter-protestors who hadn’t been kettled in. The counter-protest gathered at the train station and was contained by plod whilst other anarchists and anti-fascists kept well out of the cordon.

The march was all-white and obese, fat bellies wobbling in the sunshine and many ‘had strong drink taken.’ They sang the usual garbage about ‘English Til I Die’ (hurry up, please!), ‘You’re not English anymore’ and ‘No surrender to the Taliban’ to the general bemusement of Brightonians. They will of course see this as a great victory having ‘taken liberties’ in Brighton but, as with the EDL, they achieve nothing apart from annoying people. They had to ask permission to march and were heavily surrounded by plod, they were then marched to their meeting point and marched back again. All the publicity they have received is negative and they come across as unwanted irritants and outsiders on an otherwise pleasant bank holiday weekend. There have been other Saint George’s day marches in Brighton that featured war veterans. With the MfE hijacking the demo, the veterans wisely stayed away. The MfE were also supposed to end up in the King and Queen boozer but they had closed for the duration.

The March for England were very wary of being seen as EDL and had stated that the EDL, BNP etc were barred. But they showed anyway. There have been some interesting schisms in these nationalist grupuscules of late in case you don’t know. At the EDL’s Blackburn demo recently leader Steven Caxley-Trousers outed one of his online critics which led to a rather amusing brawl between the varying factions and stewards. This caused a rift in the north and 2 splinter groups – the North West and North East Infidels – were created. Also, the English Nationalist Alliance has been proscribed by the EDL after ENA head cheese Billy ‘Bunter’ Baker appeared on TV claiming to speak for the EDL. This annoyed Caxley-Trousers and ‘Cocaine’ Kev Carol who booted big Billy out. The March for England, although having a membership overlap with the BNP, EDL, ENA etc, try to distance themselves from such behaviour and the leadership remain relatively anonymous. However, the leaders of these various grupuscules have realised that there be money to make here. On their little websites, alongside some appalling ‘poetry,’ there is always a section entitled ‘Merchandise’ from which they sell a variety of nationalist tat. Caxley-Trousers clearly made a mint out of flogging his funny little burkahs and hoodies and there have been questions asked over where the proceeds have gone. There were also accusations of financial mismanagement from various quarters. Richard Price was a former EDL ‘leader’ who was arrested last year. Caxley and Cocaine Kev started raising money for this ‘political prisoner’ until it was revealed that Pricey had in fact been nicked for downloading child pornography – as well as cocaine and crack possession. Some of the disenfranchised EDL members are now asking what happened to the defence fund. There is a website set up by former EDL leader Paul Ray, a bizarre racist Christian who is bitter over being toed out of the EDL. His blog is full of ravings ‘exposing’ Cocaine Kev and Caxley Trousers over their dodgy doings – some of which is pretty believable. Caxley-Trousers is also facing charges of fraud which can’t help his case. Like with Nick Griffclops of the BNP the money may be the undoing of the EDL leadership: they just can’t keep their hands off the cash can they?

So although the far right are getting increasingly cocky with their flash demos there are too many schisms amongst them to form any coherent political block. And that is not including the usual football rivalries. The money and ego-trips are too tempting and the ‘leaders’ love showing off in the pub to their mates. These ‘English’ defenders and marchers also represent a minority of what many of us see as Englishness, i.e., tolerance, plurality and peace, cause local bother and have achieved very little politically beyond a good day out for ageing hooligans trying to relive their former ‘glory.’

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Good on-the-spot report

24.04.2011 16:11

Well done for the report and for getting it posted up so quickly. Sounds like the March For England pulled out a few more marchers than last time, but still contained the same old knuckle-draggers and ageing pub racists. Poor old Brighton must've felt completely baffled by this shower shuffling through the town. What an embarrassment these people are.

The Hand Of Glory

"slightly" biased

24.04.2011 16:37

Its like reading something out of Daily Mail lol!
News is unbiased. Political rants and racial hatred is not news and it gets difficult to determine what is factual, what is embellished and what is future fiction.

"The march was all-white and obese, fat bellies wobbling in the sunshine..."
And you have a problem with that because of what exactly?


Ask a stupid question

24.04.2011 17:26

"The march was all-white and obese, fat bellies wobbling in the sunshine..."
And you have a problem with that because of what exactly? --- Because they're a bunch of racist scum, and the fact that they don't even pretend to have non-white members, (unlike the EDL), is newsworthy in itself.

Fuck racists

racist scum

24.04.2011 17:39

"Because they're a bunch of racist scum, and the fact that they don't even pretend to have non-white members, (unlike the EDL), is newsworthy in itself. "

Thats a racist statement, which makes you a racist.

There is plenty of villages with all-white people. Does that makes the residence racist because simply because ethnic people havn't decided to move and live there?
With your "logic", it would.

Yes, you can call them racist. But to called them white AND therefore conclude they must be racist..... makes you a racist. You assume that because they are all white they must be racist.

Get your anti-white racist rants off indymedia!


We all know fascists when we see them

24.04.2011 18:52

I was a bystander today, and, for the record, I am not part of the UAF. I think we all can spot racists and fascists when we see them. And that is what the EDL/MfE are, pure and simple. I saw them shout at a local man who happened to have light brown skin, telling him to "get back on his camel" and shouting "where's your passport?". As it happens, the guy is English, with a foreign parent. He had the bravery to shout back that he has English and from Brighton, but at this point the police came over and told him to be quiet otherwise he'd be arrested. All the while the EDL were stood in front of the pub, drinking and heckling passers-by. At least they had toned things down compared to last year, when they stood behind police lines chanting "Allah is a paedo". Just saying "I'm not a racist" does not mean that you aren't one.


Fuck off, fash trolls!

24.04.2011 22:52

Watch out, there's arse-brained EDL neo-Nazi trolls about.

"Anti-white racism" is often a tagline used out of context by the BNP and the EDL.

The EDL are now calling anarchists anti-patriotic for opposing the royal wedding, "unpatriotic", the thick as pig shite racist pricks!

Fuck off back to Stormfront, EDLers. And don't forget your Skrewdriver CDs to wank to, along with your pictures of Nick Griffin and Hitler!

Troll Destroya


24.04.2011 23:11

Picture taken recently in Blackburn shows a known EDL member (not a supposed UAF troll) making a "roman" salute!

Wander if any of his tats feature SS insignia and Celtic crosses?

It wouldn't surprise me.

The biggest shock is that this Hitler-loving EDL organiser appears to have a girlfriend...

Is she his non-blonde "Eva Braun"??????

Pass this photo around Facebook and Twitter to expose the EDL as the neo-Nazi scummers they are!

EDL Are Neo-Nazis!!!

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UAF fail

25.04.2011 08:58

Despite the police estimating over 500 counter protesters would turn up only 100 did compared to 200 MFE.
The MFE where peaceful where as the counter protesters where not and almost all arrests where from them.
The MFE outnumbered the UAF in the most liberel city in the country and they where peacful victory to the MFE


@troll destroya

25.04.2011 10:33

"The EDL are now calling anarchists anti-patriotic"

In fairness, we are.



25.04.2011 11:20

Remove my comment cause you know I speak the truth pathetic losers


Bill Baker is a clown who can't count!

25.04.2011 18:30

Welcome to Indymedia Bill, have you racially abused anyone recently? I'm still laughing at your video where you got shown to be an ignorant muppet by someone who knew what they were talking about...and based on your performance I wouldn't say you could count much beyond the fingers on your hands, so I guess your figures might be a bit skewed.

For anyone who doesn't know Bill from the ENA/MfE, check out this interesting article where he's exposed as a racist scumbag:

I hate racist scum
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Anti-White Racism

25.04.2011 19:35

It's easy enough to think you've "proved" any point if you quote out of context. The article does not accuse the MFE/EDL of being "white", it accuses the MFE/EDL of being "all-white", when the EDL pretend to be a multi-ethnic organisation, therefore the article doesn't promote "anti-white racism". In fact, out of a pool of about 3,000 potential EDL demo supporters, only 2 non-white people regularly attend EDL demos - Guramit "I Hate Pakies" Singh, and violently sectarian Rangers fan Abdul from Glasgow - whose involvement doesn't "prove" the EDL are anti-racist anymore than Hitler's alliance with a non-white person like Emperor Hirohito would "prove" Hitler wasn't racist.


still laughing?

25.04.2011 19:45

fuck off you idiot - you dont even know what you are talking about
our boys showed u lot what you are really like - a bunch of cowardly hypocrites

ave it large

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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

Open Season

25.04.2011 20:09

Open Season

Open Season

Your a bunch of hypocrits

25.04.2011 20:09

I haven't abused anyone pal all I said was

Despite police estimating 500 counter protester would turn up only a measly 100 turned up compared to 200 MFE supporters.
The MFE supporters where 100% peacful with all arrests coming from the UAF.
The UAF where outnumbered 2-1 in the most liberel city in the country

And the reason I called myself bill pal was because my last post from bob was removed
Didn't really know much about bill baker but thanks for the link
MFE win UAF fail once again
But you'll probably remove this comment again


Sorry, photos were in the wrong order

25.04.2011 20:12

Sorry, photos were in the wrong order .....

Open Season


27.04.2011 22:36

Billy ‘Bunter’ Baker of the English Nationalists Alliance has also claimed he will spill the beans on the financial shenanigans of the ‘top’ EDL members but we shall have to see if he has the bottle to do this. Baker fell out with Caxley and Cocaine Kev after appearing on TV, apparently speaking – badly – on behalf of the EDL. This angered the ‘top boys’ and they ex-communicated him in a cloud of mutual abuse and allegations. ‘Fats’ Baker, jealous of the media attention and, more likely, cash that the EDL have gained is determined to make a go with his little outfit and their sparsely attended demos at Dagenham.

Will Baker tell the truth about Yaxley's thievery?

Will he 'eckkers like!

He's a wanker! Even his former friends in the BNP are saying this!

Baker Is A Waste of Time

Bill Baker Wants Muslims & Socilaists To Be Murdered

27.04.2011 22:46

Last year on his own Facebook (not hacked b.t.w., we must add), Baker called for Muslims and Socialists to be murdered, and it is difficult to believe, when he spreads such views online, to imagine he hasn't done a Hitler salute of his own from time to time, the vile despicable neo-Nazi bastard.

Baker Watch

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