Nottingham Animal Rights (Pat) | 21.04.2011 22:23
Stuff to do...
Friday 22nd - 'great' british circus demo: 6pm in Leicestershire,
pick-up 4:30 from Sumac.
Saturday 23rd - Greyhound demo: 6pm @ Colwick dogtrack.
Thursday 28th - Brinsley Animal Rescue workday, pick-up 6:15 from the
Council House steps,
Saturday 30th - Nottingham Mayday Rally, meet 11pm @ Victoria Park
Including Free Food Giveaway to mark Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale
Sunday 1st May - Midlands ARC meeting sumac @ 2:30
Tuesday 3rd - Brinsley Animal Rescue workday, pick-up 6:15 from the
Council House steps,
Monday 9th - Foston Pig Farm Demo 11:30am, Bank St, Matlock
Midland Pig Producers plans Britain's largest pig factory farm to
subject around 25,000 animals to a life of permanent confinement,
suffering and boredom. The farm intends to produce one thousand pigs a
week who will be transported off site to slaughter. Object before 13th
May - see
Thursday 5th May - Nottingham animal Rights Meeting at Sumac
Advance Notice
Saturday 21st - Meat-free in Manchester to celebrate the start of
National Vegetarian Week, with catering by Veggies.
Sunday 22nd - Nottingham Green Festival at Arboretum - all hand on deck!
Sunday 22nd - Horse and Pony Sanctuary Open Day in Leeds, with
catering by Veggies.
Monday 23rd - (possible) free food giveaway for national vegetarian
week details tbc (also Sarah's birthday,)
Order stuff for your favorite cafe or workplace from (Pat)