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Statement from the Ahava 4

Ahava 4 | 21.04.2011 16:50 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Palestine | South Coast | World

Today 4 activists were convicted for blockading Ahava, a cosmetics store selling products from Mitzpe Shalem - an Israeli settlement on occupied Palestinian land

Statement from the Ahava Four

Although these proceedings have resulted in our convictions, no one should be in any doubt about the real criminality in this case. During the three day hearing, we demonstrated that Ahava cosmetics are manufactured on stolen Palestinian land. Ahava’s trade is not only immoral, it is illegal

We believe that our action was lawful and justified.

Today's judgement illustrates the complicity of the authorities in allowing companies to profit from the occupation. Throughout the trial neither the Judge nor the prosecution challenged the assertion that the settlements are illegal in international law.

Irrespective of today's judgement campaigners believe that they are still the victors. As a result of the collective efforts of activists, Ahava's flagship Covent Garden store will close this September. This demonstrates the efficacy of grassroots action in creating real and tangible change. We call for mass participation in the campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, building a movement that can directly challenge Israeli apartheid and occupation.

Press contact:

phone: 07 030 383 237

Solicitor contact (Simon Natas) -, phone: 07966898231


Ahava 4


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to be clear

21.04.2011 19:13

'Although these proceedings have resulted in our convictions, no one should be in any doubt about the real criminality in this case.'

Yes. Yours.


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