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Ratcliffe protesters encouraged to appeal

zarniwoop | 18.04.2011 13:19 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Repression | Sheffield

The 20 protesters convicted of 'conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass' at the Ratcliffe power station are being invited to appeal because of Mark Kennedy's involvement (link below).

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Don't get too excited yet

18.04.2011 15:31

The DPP prosecuted these people. Instead of asking them to beg to have the case looked at again the DPP should, in person, be asking for the case to be undone. if that can't be done legally then change the law. The DPP should not expect others to do his work.

The statement from the lawyer about this mess outlines the things the DPP has not bothered to say.

A N Other

Whats the point?

19.04.2011 18:27

Why would the Ratcliffe 20 want the tapes disclosed - do the tapes reveal someone else planning to shut down the power station? Do they reveal that Flash was planning it himself? Really going have to be careful not to make it worse as there is loads of sympathy at the moment.