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For those who do want to contact Century Films

Brian Hill | 12.04.2011 08:06 | Repression

The following email has been circulated privately, but in light of the on-going debate, perhaps there is a point to telling Century Films to back-off from doing a documentary based on Mark Kennedy's story. Sometimes it is not enough to ignore, sometimes a clear response is needed - but it does not always have to be dressed up as a well-written press release...

Mark Kennedy / Stone - contact film company

Mark Kennedy is one of the most notorious undercover policemen outed in any protest
movement in recent history. Going back seven years, he started with the
environmental movement and sought entry into both anti-fascist and animal rights
movements. This included going to various national and international AR gatherings,
seeking intelligence which he could sell on. Even when he was booted out of the
police he sought to work with Global Open, a private intelligence firm which has
been selling information on animal rights activists for a decade now - and was
founded by former head of ARNI, Rod Leeming. For Mark, his involvement with animal
rights was a cynical cover to continue his exploitation of friends and colleagues to
support his own lifestyle.

In the wake of his seven years undercover left a lot of damage and some very hurt
people, and it is they who deserve our sympathy.

Not content with having creamed the state for huge expense claims while
infiltrating, or with the six figure sum he got from selling his story to the Hate
Mail, he now wants to profit more by making a documentary film about his undercover
work. This will drag up more pain and upset, while no doubt painting everyone but
him in an appalling light.

Enough is enough.

Century Films Ltd have purchased the rights and have already started to contact
people. It is known that their top people such as the head of programmes and of
production are among those doing the contacting, so this is a serious project. As
well as wanting to discourage people from talking to them, we think that Century
Films and Mark Kennedy should not be profiting from infiltrating and abusing
movements. Please contact them politely and ask them to have nothing more to do with
Mark Kennedy and his cynical self-promotion.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Century Films
Studio 32
Clink Street Studios
1 Clink Street
Tel: 020 7378 6106
Fax: 020 7407 6711

Brian Hill


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Animal rights emphasis...

12.04.2011 08:25

He showed no interest in them until he'd left the cops. Attended one or 2 AR gatherings right at the end, mainly cos he was doing a climbing workshop there while he was on holiday in Europe, it was never the main target at all.

Why emphasise AR then? He was loads more involved in the radical eco action scene and general anarchist/anti-capitalist activity in the UK and Europe. He also had very little involvement in antifa circles, despite what people said.

Also not sure of the wiseness of posting this and letting every looney and their dog get in touch with Century films and talk shit.

If you talk to Century Films, then watch out.


@ Anarchist

12.04.2011 08:37

Presumably the email was written for the animal rights movement.... and its not as if Century Films are hard to find, especially given that their details have already been posted up elsewhere on Indymedia


I can't decide..

12.04.2011 08:55

whether this is another clueless, thoughtless and probably bit of behaviour from the professional activist scene, or it's been posted by Century Films in order to reach out to the most clueless and thoughtless. I'm leaning towards thinking it's the latter, but at this point I'm willing to think it could be the former. The press got so many of their quotes to fill up their articles by cutting and pasting from indymedia, now there's a film people are being encouraged to get directly in contact.

Not impressed


12.04.2011 09:13

Especailly when you see it's been posted by Brian Hill, who conincidentally has a Century Films email in the list below.



12.04.2011 09:32

Spam this like hell until they drop the idea or it becomes obviously disconnected from any reality. It worked when the fash got themselves a freepost.
