George Monbiot : State infiltrator
pseud | 09.04.2011 14:00 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis
Monbiot is the public-school son of two active ultra-right wing Tory extremists, and he has done his Nazi parents proud. He has subverted the environmental movement in the UK more than any other state infiltrator. He is the personification of green-washing, and anyone who still admires this obvious shit should be excluded from any genuinely progressive movement. Let's stick to facts.
Fact One: George called for the resignation of Professor Phil Jones after the supposed 'climate-gate scandal'. However the independent investigations into this email hacking proved no wrong doing, and that the Professor was unjustly subject to a smear campaign.
Fact Two: George declared himself pro-nuclear because of Fukushima, and used his 'tenure' column in the Guardian to call all anti-nuclear campaigners as liars. Yet he lied about the true casualities in his column, he claimed that Chernobyl had only killed a few score of people according to his beloved UNSCEAR figures. Yet even those figures estimate 34000 death.
Yet this obviously ultra-right wing pseudo green is still held fondly in the hearts of many supposed environmentalists. Why? Believing his former platitudes is no better than falling for the lies of exposed undercover cops.
'Gentleman George' has recently tried to rebrand himself as a left-wing, green comedian, but he is as funny as Tony Blair still justifying the invasion of Iraq, and he should be treated the same way. These men kill people for self-promotion and personal profit.
No genuine green or red would have any time for them.
Fact Two: George declared himself pro-nuclear because of Fukushima, and used his 'tenure' column in the Guardian to call all anti-nuclear campaigners as liars. Yet he lied about the true casualities in his column, he claimed that Chernobyl had only killed a few score of people according to his beloved UNSCEAR figures. Yet even those figures estimate 34000 death.
Yet this obviously ultra-right wing pseudo green is still held fondly in the hearts of many supposed environmentalists. Why? Believing his former platitudes is no better than falling for the lies of exposed undercover cops.
'Gentleman George' has recently tried to rebrand himself as a left-wing, green comedian, but he is as funny as Tony Blair still justifying the invasion of Iraq, and he should be treated the same way. These men kill people for self-promotion and personal profit.
No genuine green or red would have any time for them.
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