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Lampeter wakes up against the Cuts

Squatticus | 08.04.2011 16:33 | Education | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles

On 6th March staff, students, and townsfolk gathered at Lampeter – home to Britain’s smallest university – for a Carnival against the Cuts.

The incredible 'Progress' Sound System: don't get in its way!
The incredible 'Progress' Sound System: don't get in its way!

Against national cuts
Against national cuts

Local plans are nuts!
Local plans are nuts!

In town on the day
In town on the day

The Carnival moved boisterously around town and the campus before speeches were heard in front of the Old Building. We then settled down by the river for a barbecue with music until late.

The Carnival was intended to show our indignation at the current ‘austerity programme’ (read: redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich) nationally, and in its local manifestations.

Here at Lampeter porters and librarians are being laid off, whilst the Vice-Chancellor, Medwin Hughes, has recently increased his salary to £192,000. His intention to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds of university money on an ornamental lake (will there be a duck island, we wonder?) has also provoked anger.

Staff and students speak out: a 3-minute film about the day

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Slogans on the Sports Hall

10.04.2011 18:18

Messages on the Sports Hall 1
Messages on the Sports Hall 1

Messages on the Sports Hall 2
Messages on the Sports Hall 2

One great contribution to the day was a £1 box of thick chalks someone brought along.

These were used to redecorate the sports hall, sending some messages which must have hit home, since they were removed after a couple of days (that's fast for anything to happen round here).
