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Laughing at the SWP

Joey | 08.04.2011 14:11

The comedy act which is the SWP.

A very funny expose of the SWP.



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take down please

08.04.2011 14:23

i dont like the swp either, but this links to a sexist homophobic and offensive page about them. no time for it thanks!



08.04.2011 14:56

At a time when we are being hit by one of the most concerted ruling class offensives in decades, is it really productive to spend our energies ripping on the SWP? Sure we have differences, and i'm not suggesting we jump into bed with them, but isn't there a bigger enemy at the moment? In my town SWP and anarchists have been working closely and amicably and have formed a more radical intevention into local anti-cuts politics against labour reformism. We should discuss our differences in a constructive and sensible way, especially at this time where, unless we unite as a broad radical left we face seeing all of the gains made by our class since WW2 ground into the dirt by a fanatical pro-rich government.

(A) Sab x


08.04.2011 14:56

At a time when we are being hit by one of the most concerted ruling class offensives in decades, is it really productive to spend our energies ripping on the SWP? Sure we have differences, and i'm not suggesting we jump into bed with them, but isn't there a bigger enemy at the moment? In my town SWP and anarchists have been working closely and amicably and have formed a more radical intevention into local anti-cuts politics against labour reformism. We should discuss our differences in a constructive and sensible way, especially at this time where, unless we unite as a broad radical left we face seeing all of the gains made by our class since WW2 ground into the dirt by a fanatical pro-rich government.

(A) Sab x


08.04.2011 14:57

At a time when we are being hit by one of the most concerted ruling class offensives in decades, is it really productive to spend our energies ripping on the SWP? Sure we have differences, and i'm not suggesting we jump into bed with them, but isn't there a bigger enemy at the moment? In my town SWP and anarchists have been working closely and amicably and have formed a more radical intevention into local anti-cuts politics against labour reformism. We should discuss our differences in a constructive and sensible way, especially at this time where, unless we unite as a broad radical left we face seeing all of the gains made by our class since WW2 ground into the dirt by a fanatical pro-rich government.

(A) Sab x

Will it blend?

08.04.2011 15:13

It's like a comedian in a blender. You'd think it'd be funny but it's actually quite bloody and disturbing.


I liked it

08.04.2011 17:09

please don't hide. Quite humerous
