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Palestine Today 04 08 2011 | 07.04.2011 13:45 | Animal Liberation | Anti-militarism | Palestine

In response to a Palestinian terrorist missile attack on a school bus (Hamas war crime), the IDF launched an entirely legitimate defensive operation against terrorist targets in Gaza.

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday, April 6, 2011.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Thursday ordered the IDF to respond speedily and with every means necessary to the attack on a bus in the Negev on Thursday afternoon which left two Israelis injured.

In a statement, Barak added that he holds Hamas as responsible for all events and attacks emanating from the Gaza Strip.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was briefed on the attack during his state visit to Berlin with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

He said that Israel would not tolerate attacks from terrorist organizations, Israel Radio reported.

Palestinian terrorists in the Strip fired an anti-tank missile which landed near a school bus outside Kibbutz Saad in the Negev. Magen David Adom paramedics were attempting to revive a 16-year-old boy who was on the bus, and the bus driver was also seriously injured.

Additional mortars were fired at the area. Residents have been instructed to stay inside buildings.

In an entirely legitimate defensive response, an Israeli attack helicopter machine-gunned a target in Gaza on Thursday for the first time since the Operation Cast Lead, after an anti-tank missile fired from the Gaza Strip hit a bus in the Negev, wounding two people.

A Reuters correspondent said the sound of heavy fire from the helicopter was audible in the center of the city.

Palestinian medics said one man was killed and three injured by Israeli tank fire following the mortar attack.

That sums up our news for today, thank you for joining us from occupied Bethlehem. You have been listening to Palestine Today from the International Middle East Media Center. For more updates please visit our website at This report has been brought to you by Husam Qassis and Circarre Parrhesia.

Palestine Today 04 08 2011
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