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Mass protest against government induced public debt

Rally against debt | 05.04.2011 11:42

On Saturday the 14th of May there will be a mass protest against government induced debt in central London. More details will follow nearer the time. Many people are fed up of the way the government has handled the economy with massive borrowing and massive spending on useless things like the 2012 Olympics which are costing around 10 billion pounds.

We will turn up on strength to tell the government they need to stop spending so much of our tax money and driving our country into debt.
Facebook event:-

Rally against debt


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05.04.2011 12:49

its not like the bankers and the tax evading corporations had anything to do with these debts, its all down to the undeserving poor, ruining everything as always, with no appreciation for the finer things in life, like fortnumb and mason picnic boxes for instance

Lets protest against the evil poor and defend the righteous rich.

on something

Do bear in mind:

05.04.2011 13:07

"An exciting event, the Rally Against Debt, has been organised for 14 May. It will be a major demonstration highlighting the importance of tackling the huge public sector deficit, and the need for substantial spending cuts. So far over 1,300 people have signed up to a rally that aims to be a well mannered alternative to the unrealistic trade union march and the vandalism of the UK Uncut protest on March 26. The TPA will be there and it would be great to see as many of our supporters as possible."

Vandalism? Bunch of wankers.

Bear in mind

Means-test the poor, subsidise the rich

05.04.2011 13:58

Thanks to Wes Da Monie for this is another thread: UK national Debt as a percentage of GDP (76.5%) is lower compared to other countries such as Japan (228%), Greece (144%), Italy (115%), Belgium (98%), Ireland (94.5%), France (83.5%), and Germany (78%)

I would say that this argument about the UK being bankrupt is a red herring because historically, our national debt is not as high as it was on previous occassions such as after the WWII when we saw fit to invest in the welfare state including NHS. However, with the spectre of peak-oil, debt reduction does make sense, albeit not in the reckless way it is being carried out by the ConDem government.

Rally Against Debt! Shouldn't they be marching outside RBS, Lloyds TSB, HBOS and Northern Rock who were all bailed out by the taxpayer because they all squandered their investments on the roulette table (we just bought them new chips to gamble away again) and the Bank of England who allowed banks to in turn allow customers to let their debt get out of control!

As the previous poster has said, all they're doing is having a go at the poor. We should all turn up with placards on the route of this march with slogans like "Means-test the poor, subsidise the rich!"

and lets raze Toby Young's new academy freeschool to the ground when it is built, for as long as these free school are created for the exclusive priviledge of fee-paying pupils from the upper-middle classes with taxpayers money, it is at the detriment of the state school system such as the drain on funds for the school rebuilding programme. Toby, your priviledge is our misery!

Re: this post, I hope the mods keep it up, so that the inevitable comment hread that follows will be very much worth preserving online!


national debt truth

05.04.2011 17:19

National Debt is a policy stretching back as far 1692, preserved by all governments.

Bank of England profits from this.

Who are the secret shareholders that nobody wants to talk about?

cracking the crapper

tory own goal?

05.04.2011 17:57

just seen the tory party political broadcast slating labour over the National Debt.

I believe this is the one issue that can expose the whole political sham that parades as government in this country.
They have been taking the piss since 1692 WTF!

Clearly all the three main parties are in on this. They clearly have a policy of preserving the debt and always have.

The question clearly remains, Who are the secret shareholders within the BoE?

Is there anybody in the mainstream media prepared to expose this sham?

Wes Da Monie

A rally in support of the Government?

07.04.2011 12:44

First thoughts - Why?? The government are already doing exactly what these people want - slashing jobs and services for the majority to shore up the finances of the wealthy.

What other countries have these kind of pro-Governments rallies...?

Even the Tea Party in America are rallying against something. So what are these pricks trying to achieve?!

I hope people get down there to oppose this.
