Pro-cuts activists to stage 'polite' London demonstration
Dave | 05.04.2011 10:03 | South Coast

I've just heard about the planned 'protest against government debt'. Yes the government does waste loads of money. BUT a large aspect of the sovereign debt problem is related to the banking crisis, nothing to do with regular public spending, and actually a function of Reganomics/Thatcherism, originally - as in creating a more or less totally unregulated free enterprise free for all in the financial markets, including the retail banking sector as well as investment banking. This lead to the debt bubble, to the bubble in financial instruments like debt derivitives...(and a house price bubble that the state is now seeking to peg at peak bubble prices!).... and the subsequent banking implosion. This situation was not just created, by the way, by bankers, but by government regulation, or misregulation...and not just the Labour administration, but, as said, was a path initiated by Margerat Thatcher. This point the professional right wingers miss. The 'ghost of Thatch' needs to be exorcised from the British Pysce..and not just for the reasons of banking instability.
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