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Call out for zine contributions from those arrested in the Anti- Cuts movement

Notes from Inside | 04.04.2011 23:41 | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

CALLING ALL those arrested, detained, charged,or bailed in connection with the Anti Cuts movemENT- we want your voice!

Were you arrested on any of the Anti-Cuts demos and would like to share any poetry, stories, songs, rants, quotes, letterz, drawings??

For a zine based on reflections from the inside of the fight to save the public services.
Send all contributions to:::

By May 1st!

All proceeds will go towards a fund for those arrested.
Made by and with those arrested.

Notes from Inside
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04.04.2011 23:53

All submissions will be anonymous, please do not send anything that may incriminate you or others. Thanks xx

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