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UK Uncut need to think about data security

A N Other | 03.04.2011 10:56 | Public sector cuts

The arrest in Fortnum & Masons shows the police gathering data as ever. Activists should learn from this.

An article which was prominent on the Guardian site yesterday evening but has now been scrolled deserved wider reading.

"A meeting of UK Uncut supporters heard that those charged have had their phones confiscated. The mobiles contain details of the group's secure networks and email accounts used to mobilise and organise actions."

It should be automatic that a large demonstration like this is organised via untraceable communications. Secure networks and email accounts should not be exposed by the compromise of some phones or other communication devices to the police.

Those deeply involved can do this amongst themselves, with the interface to those who "can't be bothered" with "complicated" things being via accounts that compromise of is no problem.

A N Other


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Could they be anymore amateur?

03.04.2011 13:59

It's not possible to organise a large scale demonstration through untraceable communications, and frankly the suggestion is naive. However, allowing the entire mailing list and all their other secrets to be seized by the police by taking them on a demo where you intend to occupy somewhere, and thus leave yourself liable to arrest, is beyond naive and borders the absurd!!!

I have already raised the wisdom of some of UK Uncut's targets and questioned whether they're effective, but this just summarises things nicely. Whilst the UK movement allows itself to be led by well meaning, but seriously inexperienced, activists (who generally study at certain well known universities), then things will never develop beyond these amateurish groups like Climate Camp and UK Uncut...who frankly have achieved nothing other than mobilising people into believing they're doing something, whilst never considering what they're actually achieving, (which can best be referred to as "feel-good activism").

Given the proposed cuts, which will make Thatcherism look mild, it's no surprise that plenty of people are mobilising...the only real surprise is how so little of the action is translating into outcomes, (the one major example so far is the forestry sell-off, which wasn't stopped through the actions of grassroots activists). In reality these cuts would never have passed in years gone by, but now the UK movement is so sterile that they happen with relative impunity!


The Lesser Spotted Bore

03.04.2011 15:37

Nice comment NETCU. Keep on buying those doughnuts.

NETCU spotter


03.04.2011 21:43

NETCU or not the first commenter has a point about that being a pretty stupid thing to do. I know they've probably got my details anyway but I would still prefer it if people didn't hand my details to PC Plod in such an obvious and stupid way!

This takes the piss

learning process

03.04.2011 23:36

we were all young and naive once

give the kids a break

they are learning fast

old boy

hang on a sec

03.04.2011 23:41

Just cos the Guardian said it doesn't make it true. Journalist are notorious for not bothering to pay attention to details, or check their facts. Many of the 'new generation' of anti-cuts activists are pretty sloppy with security. But don't jump to conclusions just cos the mainstream media said so.


Can someone return my USB Stick?

05.04.2011 00:21

It contains about 5,000 email addresses. I lost it somewhere in Fortnum and Masons. The email addresses are not activists - honest - they are my mailing list for sending out spam emails.

An Amateur