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trafalgar square occupation ongoing tonight

rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[dot]com (rikki) | 03.04.2011 02:38 | London

dozens of people helped create an autonomous zone in trafalgar square this evening, pitching eleven tents and establishing a planned 24-hour occupation to campaign agains government cuts and to show solidarity with arrestees at last week's protests

the 'occupation for the alternative' was called by activists angered by the police action to clear trafalgar square last saturday after it was occupied during the evening of the TUC march. that night, some people were injured and others arrested, as hundreds of police in full riot gear swept across the square and kettled protestors (

the facebook call-out asked for people to come to trafalgar square at 18.30 tonight, and set up tents for a peaceful occupation lasting 24 hours. among the groups supporting the call-out was the really free school which organised a programme of workshops and events for the evening.

as a large ground sheet, some carpets and around a dozen tents were established at 6.30, trafalgar sq 'heritage wardens' asked for police assistance to enforce bye-laws preventing such goings-on. one van-full of police watched the tents being pitched, but i heard them say they couldn't act until their commander turned up. meanwhile wardens filmed the camp set-up. later, some protestors claimed they had seen members of police forward intelligence teams in plain clothes among the crowd of passers-by and observers.

by the time senior officers arrived the camp was well established, and meetings and programmed events underway. police retained a small presence keeping an eye the occupation, and a message was relayed that as long as things didn't 'get out of hand' or involve criminal damage, then the camp would probably be allowed to continue.

around a hundred indians passed through and danced with flags and candles on the plinth in celebration of their cricket victory against sri lanka. some came across to the camp and there were exchanges of solidarity.

as the night drew on, people used chalk to plaster the pavements with political slogans, and black duct tape was used to create mock graffiti 'lawful rebellion' logos. pairs of police passed through occasionally as speeches were made, and wardens observed too. some activists took on litter duty, making sure their presence in the square wasn't causing any detritus.

i don't really visit the square other than when protests are on, so not sure if it's always like this, but i noticed both last week and this that all the streetlights in the square area were off on both occasions. have seen this before during last year's student protests. the darkness makes it hard to film and photograph, and gives the police an advantage when they swoop in under cover of darkness. perhaps it's simply an eco-drive and the lights are always off - can anyone confirm?

latest reports from the camp at 1am tell of plain clothes police around the camp collecting evidence, but all is calm, and the occupation is solid. supporters are welcome overnight and throughout the day tomorrow. there is talk of building this as a weekly event, building to a longer occupation when the time is right.

more info at

rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[dot]com (rikki)
- Original article on IMC London: