Thugs hijack peaceful action in London!! (GS) | 28.03.2011 20:22 | London
Saturday saw a small but violent minority of bankers, politicians and tax avoiders bring chaos to London. Police have identified several troublemakers by studying the FTSE 100 share index and are hopeful that prosecutions will follow. In the meantime they have warned the public to be on the lookout for the groups mysterious leader known as 'Osbourne'.
Meanwhile Police spokeman paid tribute to the Black Bloc and UK Uncut for doing their bit to protect the public from the menace of unbridled capitalism. He said "Our officers felt truly honored to be pelted with paint filled eggs by those pricipled young people. It gives all of us hope for the future. We just hope that they succeed in their objectives before our jobs get cut as well."
More heartwarming TUC pictures here:
More gratuitous riot porn here: (GS)
Original article on IMC London: