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EDL threaten to attack anarchists at royal wedding protest

Activist | 28.03.2011 19:25

The EDL have announced that they will be mobilising thousands of their supporters to attack any anarchist anti-royal wedding protest see this:

That means we need to the biggest ever mobilisation of anarchists and activists to attend the anti-royal wedding protest on Saturday April the 29th.



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For those not on facebook

28.03.2011 19:48

I can't follow the link but I am curious. The EDL claims to be concerned only with "extremist Islam".

For those like me who can't follow that link, can someone say: do they offer any political justification for this? Do they explain how it fits with their avowed aims? Or is it too much to ask for them to uphold that minimal level of consistency?


put you all on the same island

28.03.2011 20:30

Who gives a shit, they should put all you macho scumbags and police agents on the same island and bomb it I say.


What the EDL said

28.03.2011 20:53

"English Defence League (EDL)
A word of warning to MAC or any dipppy little anarchist thug attempting to ruin Prince William`s and Kates special day - Dont bother!!! The EDL will be there in our 1000s waiting for you to slip up."

Is it too much for the EDL to be coherent? Answer that question yourself:


Couldn't help but chuckle

28.03.2011 21:08

Couldn't help but chuckle at the comical incongruity of adopting a tough guy stance and uttering the words "Prince William and Kate's special day"!


This is non-news

29.03.2011 00:24

Remove as per the editorial guidelines



29.03.2011 10:00

The fact that the EDL have threatened violence against any protests on the 29th of April isn't "non-news", it's VERY important for those who intend to take action on that day to know that they face potential violence from knuckle dragging hooligans!

Why would you want this removed? Are you EDL in disguise?

What is it with commenters demanding censorship?

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anarchists are cunts

29.03.2011 10:09

could be dodgy for the anarchists intent on disruption because you will be so easy to spot all in black carrying a rucksack could be a fun day see you on the streets

any colour you like

at the EDL...

29.03.2011 11:37

.....hoping to be the English vanguard of protection at the wedding of a German/Greek/Dutch inbred fellow and a Slonette...that probably wouldn't spit on yer average working class bloke if they saw him on fire.... not only are they champions at protecting Islamic women’s rights but they are now the unofficial security for William and Kates special day....

Will the £60million that us lucky tax payers will have to fork out for the Royal wedding also going to cover the costs of bus hire for the "thousands & thousands" of loyal Engerlish blokes to come down and stop any naughty anarchists from ruining William and Kates special day?

...I wonder if they saw the pics of Harry in his SS uniform pulling Nazi salutes and thought "Cor blimey, Guv! Luv a duck, he's not a parasite living off our hard earned tax money at all, living his life of privilege in his castles, he's just like us. so that means they are all just like us"


clueless racist inbred scumbags.

you have to laugh

great news

29.03.2011 11:54

There was me wondering how best to escape all the royalist propogandist shit that will be thrown at us on royal wedding day, but now I know! All I need do is don my black hoody and wait for the EDL to arrive, for a tailor made, bash a fash, fun-filled diversion from the miseries of Kate and whatsisname. Can't wait!

No, hang on a minute, chances are they won't show, or there'll be a few dozen of them hiding behind police lines. Dammit. Was getting all excited then...

happy days

God save the Queen?

29.03.2011 12:02

It's a FASCIST regime!

The EDL are getting very sensitive these days, even a little hysterical. lol

They don't seem to realise that the Windsors think they are a bunch of lowlifes, only fit for cannon fodder. Don't you have some cannon's to charge?

Bunch of loudmouths with beer bellies. Haa ha haa!


@happy days

29.03.2011 12:57

why wait they will be in blackburn sat get down there or do youre revolutionary actions stop at smashing windows?

any colour you like

Waste of time.

26.04.2011 16:22

"That means we need to the biggest ever mobilisation of anarchists and activists to attend the anti-royal wedding protest on Saturday April the 29th."
No. No, it really doesn't. It means we need to carry on ignoring this spectacular bollocks, do something nice and fun with our long weekend, and then carry on with the actually important stuff, like building up a culture of resistance in our day-to-day lives. Sorry if that doesn't make for a good tabloid headline, but it's the only way we're going to stand a chance of actually winning. What good does getting in a punch-up with a bunch of irrelevant racists do? Even if they weren't there, what good does mildly irritating coppers and monarchists actually do?

Sensible anarchist

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