Blocking Traffic
28.03.2011 17:27 | London
This video illustrates 'targeting' behaviour used by the police, the FBI and those who work for them, often called 'Civilian Partners.' These include groups such as "Cellular on Patrol," "Citizens' Alert," "Neighborhood Watch," and the alumni of the FBI's "National Citizens' Academy." Also, often every kind of municipal employee, will participate. These groups practice pervasive harassment against American citizens often to the point where their victims commit suicide. The behaviour shown in this video is a form of 'vehicular harassment.' It often consists of one or more police officers and civilian accomplices intentionally creating a traffic delay, by obstucting traffic in their 'target's' direction of travel, 'with their vehicles.' This can be and 'is' done on all types of roadways and highways, and when done on a major highway will inconveience up to "1/2 MILLION" motorists, for several hours, just so that the police and FBI can inconvenience a 'single' target. This has been done to me at least 50 times over the last several years, all over the US. The last time was while I was driving southbound through New York city. The dead-giveaway is that the obstructing vehicles will disperse the 'exact' moment that the 'target' comes into view. You will often be able to observe 'tradecraft' on the civilian vehicles. What's even more amazing than the fact that they actually do this, is that they use 'our' tax dollars to carry this out!
Original article on IMC London: