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MON. April 28 -Disarm Plowshares Sentencing U.S.A./ London Solidarity Vigil 12-6

Ciaron | 27.03.2011 20:59 | Terror War

Here are the government recommendations for sentencing of each of the
Disarm Now Plowshares set for sentencing Monday March 28, 2011 :
Monday 28 March, 2011, 12 noon-6pm

Fr Steve Kelly - 3 years in prison, plus 3 years supervised release -
restitution of $7405;
Susan Crane - 30 months imprisonment, plus 3 years supervised release
- restitution of $7405;
Sr Anne Montgomery - 6 months imprisonment, plus 6 months home
confinement as part of 3 years supervised release - restitution of
Lynne Greenwald - 7 months imprisonment, plus 7 months home
confinement as part of 3 years supervised release - restitution of
Fr Bill "Bix" Bichsel - 6 months imprisonment, plus 6 months home
confinement as part of 3 years supervised release - restitution of

Judge will decide Monday March 28, 2011.

Contact Ciaron Ph/Text 079-392 90576

Where US Embassy, 24 Grosvenor Square, London W1A 2LQ
(Bond Street / Marble Arch tube)


In the early hours of 2 November, 2009, five veteran peace
activists were arrested at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor,
Washington, USA. Their crime? Cutting fences and walking
onto the grounds of the Trident strategic nuclear weapons
facility. They carried a banner, trailed blood, and
scattered sunflower seeds, and hammered symbolically for

The five are: Bill “Bix” Bischel, S.J 81 (Tacoma Catholic Worker & I.W.W.),
Susan Crane, 65 (Jonah House,
Lynne Greenwald, 60;
Steve Kelly, S.J., 60;
Sr. Anne Montgomery RSCJ, 83.(formerly CPT Hebron )


They say: "As U.S. citizens we are responsible under the
Nuremberg Principles for this threat of first-strike
terrorism hanging over the community of nations, rich and



On December 13, 2010, a federal jury found the five guilty
of trespass, felony damage to federal property, felony
injury to property and felony conspiracy to damage

On Monday 28 March, they will return to court to discover
their fate.


The London vigil has been called by members of London Catholic
Worker, Figtree and Trident Ploughshares


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28.03.2011 20:31

Nagsa, Buddhist Monk, Peace Pagoda, Battersea Park London

Plowshares Activists Ciaron O'Reilly (ANZUS '91, Jabiluka '98, Pitstop '03) and Chris Cole (BAe '93)

more info

not the photog


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Spoke to 3 of the defendants on the phone last night

28.03.2011 07:05

Spoke to 3 of the defendants on the phone last night

I called the crew in Tacoma, Washington state/USA. last night and spoke to three of the defendants. They were all in good form. Also spoke to Catholic Workers who had traveled up the west coast (George Manly who I was at L.A.C.W. with in '89, he then spent 3 years founding a CW in Mexico and now at CW in Guadalupe/ California) and over from the east coast (Kathy Boylan from the D,C, C.W.) both George and Kathy are former anti-war prisoners themselves so they know the signiicance of solidarity.

Spoke to Lynn Greenwald, she has been living on the west coast for 20 years after being at Jonah House in the '80's. Jonah House founded in the mid-70's by anti-Vietnam War resisters the late Phil Berrigan and Liz McAlister has been the major hub of the plowshares movement for the past 30 years. Many people, like myself and Lynn, who passed through Jonah House went to prison for nonvioent resitance to U.S. wars and war preparations. Lynn was there in the '80's and I was there '87 and '89, when Jonah House was located in a Baltimore row house - where all the Berrigan kidz were born in the house and raised. Lynne has been focused on the Trident Base at Bangor, Washington state, for quite some time. She was upbeat on the phone and grateful that we are heading to London's U.S. embassy today as they head to jail - for saying with their lives and liberty, NO to Trident and nuclear weapons.

Spoke to defendant Susan Crane similarly upbeat. Susan was a teacher in California for years before moving to Jonah House which itself relocated into a dormant (is that the right word?) 20+ acre old Irish cemetery in Baltimore.
If you are familiar with the series "The Wire" that is the neighborhood where the series is set and fimed and where Baltimore Catholic Worker hospitality house is located and Jonah is not far from that. Susan expressed gratitude for the solidarity work we are doing around Bradley Manning and Julian Assange in England..

The second time I called back, Bill "Bixchell was in the house, great man that he is. Bill was ordained a Jesuit in Berlin "before the wall went up"! He he is into his '80's and lives and works at the Tacoma Catholic Worker and has done a lot of jail time previously for nonviolent resistance against nuclear weapons and the School of the Americas In one jail he was previously in, in Washington state, he could actually see the seminary in which he was trained! Bill is a long time member of the International Workers of the World (I.W.W.) and carries some of Joe Hill's ashes! Bill was happy that his Jesuit provincial had attended a solidarity mass yesterday with them, where the provinicial spoke strongly against nuclear weapons, if not that enthusiastic that two of his Jesuits are heading to jail again. (Fr. Steve Kelly SJ another Disarm Plowshares defendant has been recommended a 3 year sentence or this action!)

Bill stayed with us in Dublin and attended a PItstop Ploughshare pre-trial hearing, blessing us as we went into court (that worked, we got acquitted!). He also tavelled to Derry to attend a pre-trial for the Raytheon 9. Bill has a great sense of humour a expressed in this satirical clip from the "Seattle Times" dealing with their action.

Fr. Steve Kelly S.J., I didn't get to speak to and have never met. Steve is a long time anti-war resister and has done a lot of jail time, much of it in solitary for nonviolent nonco-operation with the prison industrial complex.

Also didn't get a chance to speak to Sr. Anne Montgomery RSCJ, who I met many times while I lived in the U.S. '87 and '89-'93. Anne is a wonderful woman, the daughter of an admiral in the U.S. Navy. Like Bill, Anne is in her '80's and I recall a conversation about her growing up in San Diego and the advent of television (it's all been downhill for us all from there!) She worked for many years as a teacher in Harlem and more recently lived for many years with the Christian Peace Maker Team in Hebron where she was well respected by local Muslims, Jewish solidarity activists, christians and secular activists of the I.S.M.

Great crew of people heading to jail today for resisitng the nuclear weapons that many of us have learnt to live with and don't even acknowledge the existence of. If you would like to send a solidarity letter or postcard to any of these individuals send it c/-
Jonah House
1301 Moreland Ave
Maryland 21216
U.S.A.............the folks there will add the federal prison number and redirect it to the jail the plowshares activist is in!

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