Freeze Peach Magazine Requires Content
Browny | 24.03.2011 23:26 | Culture | Other Press | South Coast | World
Freeze Peach Magazine is the nation's first public access magazine and it's based in Bristol. We are due to launch in a few months time so if you want to submit a page then get creating and get involved. We are also developing an online radio station so send us your podcasts and audio files to get them some airtime.
Freeze Peach is a public access magazine which has been created to provide an accessible and non-exclusive platform for creative expression and opinion. This means that you can submit a page on whatever you like and it goes into the magazine as it is. The magazine is a scrapbook of contemporary creative endeavour and whether you are a visual artist, a writer, a photographer or just someone who wants something to be seen then get in touch.
We are currently calling for submissions ( and subscriptions so check out the website, subscribe by emailing and get creating a page. Full details can be found on the website.
We are also developing an online radio station so if you have any unsigned music, comedy, opinion, poetry or podcasts that you would like us to play then send it over to us at
We are currently calling for submissions (

We are also developing an online radio station so if you have any unsigned music, comedy, opinion, poetry or podcasts that you would like us to play then send it over to us at
