White Hat Report #15
The White Hats | 23.03.2011 05:03 | Analysis | Indymedia | Social Struggles | Sheffield
The core objective of the White Hats is to inform and advise America’s population, and Global associates, of the transgressions being perpetrated by our governing entities, and their criminal Banking Cabal.
March 22, 2011 – The White Hats Report #15 – Bush and the CIA’s Fraud Conspiracy Exposed. Today, the TRUTH they all thought would stay buried.
The Dewhurst Files, Part 2
As part of the on-going saga of scheming perpetrated against so many trusting investors like Edward Falcone by Bush Senior and his cohorts, we are now exposing new information as the prosecution evidence is being assembled and the case moves towards the first writs being served and potential arrests being made. Mr.Falcone has the signed Bush contract with Don Nevin, passport copy attached, representing Bush in the contractual undertaking. A bonfire of arrogance may await them when the punitive damages are assessed. Aligned to the missing TARP Funds and all indications of failed Infrastructure Projects, a lot of questions are already arising with the Political control of DC and State funds. The criminal actions now unfolding will end a few careers.
Having stolen vast Billions previously from Mr.Falcone, Bush Sr, operating via Don Nevin, fronting for his brother David Dewhurst Lt. Governor of Texas who was instrumental in setting up the contract for Bush using Don Nevin, then tried to induce Edward Falcone to put up a further $500 million dollars into a joint Monaco Bank account. Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, operating through his brother, Don Nevin, assured him this would then facilitate the immediate release of the long overdue funds owed to him. This was against their original Settlement agreement which they had also breached 2 years previously. An agreement negotiated and signed by ex-President George W Bush before he left office and then recorded with the CIA for Leon Panetta to perform against.
The demand from Nevin for more money was then increased to $550M. Part of the new $550M now being demanded, involved a fee of $275M from these funds, to be split equally between David Dewhurst and his brother Don Nevin. A Payoff demanded in writing from Nevin. Having been a previous victim of 5 broken Bush promises, Edward Falcone wisely declined. The last agreement was also approved for payment by President Obama and the CIA, but defaulted on yet again. Why would parties failing to perform on so many occasions then expect a further $550M from Mr. Falcone to perform what was already contractually committed as their responsibility? He refused, as he and his Legal Advisors saw it as another dangerous fraud scheme move by dubious operators. They then agreed to release his money without the $550M now being demanded, but again failed to pay what was long overdue. Their intent was clear. As with all ruthless fraud operators, it was to steal another $550M from Mr. Falcone. A clear, criminal conspiracy.
Bush Sr., his associates and the CIA, had previously ordered the release of settlement money to Mr. Falcone by sending out 5 CHIPS (Clearing House Interbank Payments System) allocated in his name for trading as the beneficiary, for payment owed to him which he also never received. His CHIP funds were diverted in delivery and used by the conspirators to circumvent him, directed instead to multiple bank platform accounts of their own for trading Medium Term Notes, using his named CHIP funds for their own benefit. The attorneys and Investigators hold this evidence: records, Traders’ names, amounts and trades.
They stole his lawful entitlement of profits and continued to further utilize his cash accounts and CHIPS in conjunction with HSBC, Josef Ackermann Chairman of Deutsche Bank, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, the CIA, Paulson and Greenspan, time after time. There were also further parties participating in addition for each of the individual CHIPS.
Other banks were also used for Cash deals. Parties such as George H. W. Bush Sr, George W. Bush Jr, Mitt Romney, Michael Herzog, Paul Guinette and others were cross involved in cash platforms, in conjunction with the CIA again. They blatantly stole $650M from Mr. Falcone’s account, using his cash funds criminally for their own benefit, including in conjunction again with Josef Ackermann of Deutsche Bank, a renowned banker of questionable repute who has previously been fined heavily and publicly admonished for conduct unbecoming a Banker. Ackermann also set up the key Credit Lines at the Bank of Austria for the non-CHIP cash program element for the first year of trading for all the group of names listed above.
We exhibit for you below some of his CHIPS utilized in their blatant deception:
CHIP 1) Wachovia Bank & Bank of America $4.3 Billion
CHIP 2) Wachovia Bank & Bank of America $4.3 Billion
CHIP 3) Wachovia Bank & Bank of America $4.3 Billion
CHIP 4) Bank of New York $10.5 Billion
CHIP 5) Citi Bank Singapore to Tyler Texas $12.5 Billion
Over and above the parties declared above, further benefiting parties also include Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden being bribed for $200M by Clinton to delay the Falcone settlements, Geithner, and others we will expose and name when due.
A question, at what stage should guilty Trading Banks also be held complicit and accountable for the clear and amoral Duty of Care and their Compliance Diligence failure? Multiple bank accounts around the world are being closely monitored for the use of prosecutors. This is going to create serious problems for the Capital markets.
The profits accrued from Falcone funds for the CIA have been predominantly directed to Barclays Bank and Citibank, Singapore. The Bank of England’s own cross involvement will also be exposed in this sordid chain of events. Bush Sr and the many guilty parties have multiple bank accounts around the world which are currently being monitored, ready for Congressional, Prosecution and developing mainstream media exposure.
On every occasion, Edward Falcone was denied his rightful and lawful investment share. They got rich using his money by Fraud, theft and deception. He got nothing.
Bank Officers will attest to Congress and the Courts. Worse, so will numerous parties now cross entangled to save themselves, as we will display. Michael Herzog, an associate of both the Bush and Clintons, has already threatened on record if he is made to pay back his share of what was stolen from Edward Falcone, he will expose all his records of multiple Bush conspiracies he fronted for them over many years. When thieves fall out?
Bush commandeered United States Government planes using CIA agents to fly around the world over 10 weeks. The sole agenda of the Bush directed Agency team was to move money from bank to bank, changing their offshore bank records to attempt to hide and falsify the trading records from Falcone’s pursuing investigators. All now identified with incriminating records waiting for Prosecutors to confront and indict this CIA Agency laundering team.
Prior to the last election, the Public approval rate for Congress had slumped to only 9%. That means 91 out of every 100 Americans had lost confidence in their Congressman and considered “The Hill” not fit for purpose to execute the Constitution and the Laws of the United States. If we allow endemic abuse of one American then we all lose. By taking this campaign up to Congress to investigate, we will restore America’s faith in The Hill. We have offered Congress a Prime example of corruption, endemic abuse of privileged positions by Senior Government and CIA Agency Officers, Bankers and the failures of Regulatory agencies such as the FBI, Homeland Security and the US Federal Reserve, to uphold the law and investigate clear abuse. These agencies, who are dominated by the same people, are sadly compromised, denying justice for the Bushes, their associates and their transgressions. What we are portraying is happening live, it is happening today, it is happening in our America, and it is happening to our own people … our fellow Americans.
Key issues for Congress and the media to consider and pursue on Public record:
• Who authorised the use of these planes used by Bush to attempt to protect Biden and the Bushes from pursuing investigators? Who paid? Who knew?
• Who authorized these CIA Agents, who we know and will name, to be used in such a way? This is a moral imperative being closely followed now by world leaders who all know. The Global media knows and won’t be muzzled forever.
• How much money from each use of these trading CHIPS, and the cash in addition, has the CIA now made? What has been taken in personal wealth?
• Please consider this is just one case alone. This is a small but easy-to-indict criminal corruption case. Betrayal of Trust by Public officials. We can and will evidence also many more. Vast amounts have been sequestered which should have been helping our people, our economy and our trusting GLOBAL Investors. Our Leaders, instead of helping our people, have helped themselves; denying recovery and project investment aid for our nation as a direct result of their of orgy of financial greed.
• Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and his brother, Don Nevin, are both now being challenged with so much about to break regarding incriminating signed contracts and letters. Mitt Romney is being challenged on his Presidency campaign trail, so his vetting problems increase for the same reason he was denied an opportunity for the Vice Presidency with John McCain. Joe Biden is being protected by Obama and the Bushes, but it won’t stop the wrath of the Global media which is building. When the dam breaks, just remember Watergate! This is so, so much bigger. Does Congress even understand what has happened to Edward Falcone is happening on a vastly larger scale perpetrated by the same players?
The Falcone story is only one of the many stories just like it that we are tracking and waiting to present to Congress and the Court system. Our case is simple. It’s not about one man. It’s a basic case of our Law needing to encompass all, particularly former and current Presidents.
George H.W. Bush Sr. has a long history of public service starting in the early 1960’s. Is it a stretch to think that 50 years in politics is too much for one person? What we see from the inside is a man, although perhaps still exhorted by many, who has spent his life learning the pertinent government systems and the methods and procedures to subvert the system for his own benefit.
It is an issue when you personally turn from moral to amoral in your dealings and the acts you associate yourself with. It is a problem when you desire to be the wealthiest and most powerful family in the world and are willing to do anything to accomplish this. When the oath of the President of the United States means nothing to you and you believe, because of the office you once held, you can operate illegally with impunity and without consequence…..in this case, there are consequences and it starts with a Congressional Inquiry.
” Be you ever so mighty, The Law is above you!”
The Dewhurst Files, Part 2
As part of the on-going saga of scheming perpetrated against so many trusting investors like Edward Falcone by Bush Senior and his cohorts, we are now exposing new information as the prosecution evidence is being assembled and the case moves towards the first writs being served and potential arrests being made. Mr.Falcone has the signed Bush contract with Don Nevin, passport copy attached, representing Bush in the contractual undertaking. A bonfire of arrogance may await them when the punitive damages are assessed. Aligned to the missing TARP Funds and all indications of failed Infrastructure Projects, a lot of questions are already arising with the Political control of DC and State funds. The criminal actions now unfolding will end a few careers.
Having stolen vast Billions previously from Mr.Falcone, Bush Sr, operating via Don Nevin, fronting for his brother David Dewhurst Lt. Governor of Texas who was instrumental in setting up the contract for Bush using Don Nevin, then tried to induce Edward Falcone to put up a further $500 million dollars into a joint Monaco Bank account. Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, operating through his brother, Don Nevin, assured him this would then facilitate the immediate release of the long overdue funds owed to him. This was against their original Settlement agreement which they had also breached 2 years previously. An agreement negotiated and signed by ex-President George W Bush before he left office and then recorded with the CIA for Leon Panetta to perform against.
The demand from Nevin for more money was then increased to $550M. Part of the new $550M now being demanded, involved a fee of $275M from these funds, to be split equally between David Dewhurst and his brother Don Nevin. A Payoff demanded in writing from Nevin. Having been a previous victim of 5 broken Bush promises, Edward Falcone wisely declined. The last agreement was also approved for payment by President Obama and the CIA, but defaulted on yet again. Why would parties failing to perform on so many occasions then expect a further $550M from Mr. Falcone to perform what was already contractually committed as their responsibility? He refused, as he and his Legal Advisors saw it as another dangerous fraud scheme move by dubious operators. They then agreed to release his money without the $550M now being demanded, but again failed to pay what was long overdue. Their intent was clear. As with all ruthless fraud operators, it was to steal another $550M from Mr. Falcone. A clear, criminal conspiracy.
Bush Sr., his associates and the CIA, had previously ordered the release of settlement money to Mr. Falcone by sending out 5 CHIPS (Clearing House Interbank Payments System) allocated in his name for trading as the beneficiary, for payment owed to him which he also never received. His CHIP funds were diverted in delivery and used by the conspirators to circumvent him, directed instead to multiple bank platform accounts of their own for trading Medium Term Notes, using his named CHIP funds for their own benefit. The attorneys and Investigators hold this evidence: records, Traders’ names, amounts and trades.
They stole his lawful entitlement of profits and continued to further utilize his cash accounts and CHIPS in conjunction with HSBC, Josef Ackermann Chairman of Deutsche Bank, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, the CIA, Paulson and Greenspan, time after time. There were also further parties participating in addition for each of the individual CHIPS.
Other banks were also used for Cash deals. Parties such as George H. W. Bush Sr, George W. Bush Jr, Mitt Romney, Michael Herzog, Paul Guinette and others were cross involved in cash platforms, in conjunction with the CIA again. They blatantly stole $650M from Mr. Falcone’s account, using his cash funds criminally for their own benefit, including in conjunction again with Josef Ackermann of Deutsche Bank, a renowned banker of questionable repute who has previously been fined heavily and publicly admonished for conduct unbecoming a Banker. Ackermann also set up the key Credit Lines at the Bank of Austria for the non-CHIP cash program element for the first year of trading for all the group of names listed above.
We exhibit for you below some of his CHIPS utilized in their blatant deception:
CHIP 1) Wachovia Bank & Bank of America $4.3 Billion
CHIP 2) Wachovia Bank & Bank of America $4.3 Billion
CHIP 3) Wachovia Bank & Bank of America $4.3 Billion
CHIP 4) Bank of New York $10.5 Billion
CHIP 5) Citi Bank Singapore to Tyler Texas $12.5 Billion
Over and above the parties declared above, further benefiting parties also include Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden being bribed for $200M by Clinton to delay the Falcone settlements, Geithner, and others we will expose and name when due.
A question, at what stage should guilty Trading Banks also be held complicit and accountable for the clear and amoral Duty of Care and their Compliance Diligence failure? Multiple bank accounts around the world are being closely monitored for the use of prosecutors. This is going to create serious problems for the Capital markets.
The profits accrued from Falcone funds for the CIA have been predominantly directed to Barclays Bank and Citibank, Singapore. The Bank of England’s own cross involvement will also be exposed in this sordid chain of events. Bush Sr and the many guilty parties have multiple bank accounts around the world which are currently being monitored, ready for Congressional, Prosecution and developing mainstream media exposure.
On every occasion, Edward Falcone was denied his rightful and lawful investment share. They got rich using his money by Fraud, theft and deception. He got nothing.
Bank Officers will attest to Congress and the Courts. Worse, so will numerous parties now cross entangled to save themselves, as we will display. Michael Herzog, an associate of both the Bush and Clintons, has already threatened on record if he is made to pay back his share of what was stolen from Edward Falcone, he will expose all his records of multiple Bush conspiracies he fronted for them over many years. When thieves fall out?
Bush commandeered United States Government planes using CIA agents to fly around the world over 10 weeks. The sole agenda of the Bush directed Agency team was to move money from bank to bank, changing their offshore bank records to attempt to hide and falsify the trading records from Falcone’s pursuing investigators. All now identified with incriminating records waiting for Prosecutors to confront and indict this CIA Agency laundering team.
Prior to the last election, the Public approval rate for Congress had slumped to only 9%. That means 91 out of every 100 Americans had lost confidence in their Congressman and considered “The Hill” not fit for purpose to execute the Constitution and the Laws of the United States. If we allow endemic abuse of one American then we all lose. By taking this campaign up to Congress to investigate, we will restore America’s faith in The Hill. We have offered Congress a Prime example of corruption, endemic abuse of privileged positions by Senior Government and CIA Agency Officers, Bankers and the failures of Regulatory agencies such as the FBI, Homeland Security and the US Federal Reserve, to uphold the law and investigate clear abuse. These agencies, who are dominated by the same people, are sadly compromised, denying justice for the Bushes, their associates and their transgressions. What we are portraying is happening live, it is happening today, it is happening in our America, and it is happening to our own people … our fellow Americans.
Key issues for Congress and the media to consider and pursue on Public record:
• Who authorised the use of these planes used by Bush to attempt to protect Biden and the Bushes from pursuing investigators? Who paid? Who knew?
• Who authorized these CIA Agents, who we know and will name, to be used in such a way? This is a moral imperative being closely followed now by world leaders who all know. The Global media knows and won’t be muzzled forever.
• How much money from each use of these trading CHIPS, and the cash in addition, has the CIA now made? What has been taken in personal wealth?
• Please consider this is just one case alone. This is a small but easy-to-indict criminal corruption case. Betrayal of Trust by Public officials. We can and will evidence also many more. Vast amounts have been sequestered which should have been helping our people, our economy and our trusting GLOBAL Investors. Our Leaders, instead of helping our people, have helped themselves; denying recovery and project investment aid for our nation as a direct result of their of orgy of financial greed.
• Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and his brother, Don Nevin, are both now being challenged with so much about to break regarding incriminating signed contracts and letters. Mitt Romney is being challenged on his Presidency campaign trail, so his vetting problems increase for the same reason he was denied an opportunity for the Vice Presidency with John McCain. Joe Biden is being protected by Obama and the Bushes, but it won’t stop the wrath of the Global media which is building. When the dam breaks, just remember Watergate! This is so, so much bigger. Does Congress even understand what has happened to Edward Falcone is happening on a vastly larger scale perpetrated by the same players?
The Falcone story is only one of the many stories just like it that we are tracking and waiting to present to Congress and the Court system. Our case is simple. It’s not about one man. It’s a basic case of our Law needing to encompass all, particularly former and current Presidents.
George H.W. Bush Sr. has a long history of public service starting in the early 1960’s. Is it a stretch to think that 50 years in politics is too much for one person? What we see from the inside is a man, although perhaps still exhorted by many, who has spent his life learning the pertinent government systems and the methods and procedures to subvert the system for his own benefit.
It is an issue when you personally turn from moral to amoral in your dealings and the acts you associate yourself with. It is a problem when you desire to be the wealthiest and most powerful family in the world and are willing to do anything to accomplish this. When the oath of the President of the United States means nothing to you and you believe, because of the office you once held, you can operate illegally with impunity and without consequence…..in this case, there are consequences and it starts with a Congressional Inquiry.
” Be you ever so mighty, The Law is above you!”

The White Hats