Libyans celebrate UN action.
Concerned of Chapletown | 18.03.2011 08:20
The people of Benghazi celebrating the UN decision to support their fight for freedom. Countries voting in support of the resolution were the UK, France, Bosnia-Hercegovina, the USA, Lebanon, South Africa, Colombia, Portugal, Nigeria and Gabon. Countries abstaining were China, Russia, India, Germany and Brazil.
Concerned of Chapletown
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liberal murder
18.03.2011 09:30
That UN resolution
18.03.2011 10:05
Here are the 'key points' of the recently passed UNSC resolution, as reported by Al Jazeera:
* Demands "the immediate establishment of a ceasefire and a complete end to violence and all attacks against, and abuses of, civilians".
* Demands that Libyan authorities "take all measures to protect civilians and meet their basic needs, and to ensure the rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian assistance".
* Authorises UN member states "to take all necessary measures ... to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory".
* Decides "to establish a ban on all flights in the airspace of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in order to help protect civilians", but says humanitarian flights and flights authorised by the UN and Arab League can take place.
* Strengthens the arms embargo imposed on February 26 by calling on UN member states "to inspect in their territory, including airports and seaports, and on the high seas, vessels and aircraft bound to or from" Libya if the country has information with "reasonable grounds" to believe the cargo contains banned military items, or that armed mercenaries are being transported.
* Orders all states to prevent any Libyan owned, operated, or registered aircraft - or any aircraft believed to be carrying prohibited weapons or mercenaries - to take off, land or overfly their territory without prior approval from the UN committee monitoring sanctions.
* Adds travel bans on the Libyan ambassador to Chad and the governor of Ghat, both directly involved in recruiting mercenaries for the Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi.
* Extends an asset freeze to seven more individuals including three additional Gaddafi children, the defence minister, the director of military intelligence, the director of the external security organisation, and the secretary for utilities.
* Freezes the assets of five key financial institutions: the Central Bank, the Libyan Investment Authority, the Libyan Foreign Bank, Libyan Africa Investment Portfoilio, and the Libyan National Oil Corporation.
* Asks Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to establish an eight-member panel of experts to help the UN sanctions committee monitor implementation of sanctions against Libya.
That resolution in full:
Western military intervention in Libya has been planned for some time and this resolution appears to be the 'switch to put the whole plan in motion'. If nothing esle, it will enable the tech-savvy western military (France, UK, US...etc) to use the rebels as 'proxies' while they bomb Gadaffi's facilities, military and otherwise. So...what happens after that?
UN vote to prolong Civil War
18.03.2011 10:40
UN vote to prolong Civil War
18.03.2011 10:41
UN vote to prolong Civil War
18.03.2011 10:42
UN vote to prolong Civil War
18.03.2011 10:42
The real reason...
18.03.2011 12:38
Mr Pen
Don’t fall for the lies
18.03.2011 14:35
The World Cheers as the CIA Plunges Libya Into Chaos
by David Rothscum
How was Libya doing under the rule of Gadaffi? How bad did the people have it? Were they oppressed as we now commonly accept as fact? Let us look at the facts for a moment. Before the chaos erupted, Libya had a lower incarceration rate than the Czech republic. It ranked 61st. Libya had the lowest infant mortality rate of all of Africa. Libya had the highest life expectancy of all of Africa. Less than 5% of the population was undernourished. In response to the rising food prices around the world, the government of Libya abolished ALL taxes on food. People in Libya were rich. Libya had the highest gross domestic product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita of all of Africa. The government took care to ensure that everyone in the country shared in the wealth. Libya had the highest Human Development Index of any country on the continent. The wealth was distributed equally. In Libya, a lower percentage of people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands.
Insurrection and Military Intervention: The US-NATO Attempted Coup d'Etat in Libya?
by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
The US and NATO are supporting an armed insurrection in Eastern Libya, with a view to justifying a "humanitarian intervention". This is not a non-violent protest movement as in Egypt and Tunisia. Conditions in Libya are fundamentally different. The armed insurgency in Eastern Libya is directly supported by foreign powers. The insurrection in Benghazi immediately hoisted the red, black and green banner with the crescent and star: the flag of the monarchy of King Idris, which symbolized the rule of the former colonial powers. (See Manlio Dinucci, Libya-When historical memory is erased, Global Research, Febraury 28, 2011)
Solidarity with Comrade Quadafi!
18.03.2011 19:43
Counter-revolutionaries, your time will come!
The "unknown"
19.03.2011 10:04
All of this true and verifiable.
Libya has been a beacon of stability and equitable distribution of resources under Gaddafi. But that quality of life has only been possible because the money has been there to pay for it. Libya has lots of oil, at a time of high oil prices.
The US and UK has always resented that and has always felt that a stringent capitalist model would be better suited to the Libyan nation. Libya has spare capacity that the west has long resented.
So Britain, Europe and the US would prefer that more of the oil wealth should be redistributed to outside Libya by reducing the price of oil and using that spare capacity to fund that price reduction. The Libyan people don't need to be that wealthy is the mantra.
Now that the Libyan people have split, the US, Europe and the UK see an opportunity to capitalise on the situation to syphon off that spare capacity. Some of the rebels suit that aim but many of the rebels see Gaddafi as a western stooge and are fighting to preseve their quality of life by opposing his recent policy of friendliness with the west. They see the possibility that Gaddafi will seek to do deals with the US and UK while he is able to use the price of oil as bargaining chip, and that those deals will undermine the quality of life the Libyan people have long enjoyed. That does not suit either the Gaddafi regime, or the UK/US.
Cue the UN and passing of resolution that will eventually be used to justify ground invasion if the rebels cannot be brought under control.
What you have in Libya, constitutes an "unknown" that Gaddafi and the UK/EU/UK are now fighting over to repel. Gaddafi fears that the west will gain the upper hand and succeed in not only repelling the "unknown", but will also succeed in deposing him. The UK/EU/UK fear the "unknown" but see an opportunity to repel the it while also deposing Gaddafi. What they gain is not only seconding the spare capacity in Libya, but seizing total capacity which once gained, can be used to reduce the price of oil on the world stage, acting as a spark to re-energise its own failing maxed out economies.
Bizarrely, this action is being touted by Democrats in Washington as an anti-war action!
Whatever the outcome, what we are seeing coming out of Libya by the MSM could not be anymore unreliable. The reporting of the 'actual' situation on the ground has pretty much stopped completely. We are still seeing the pictures, but only in conjunction with a replaced narrative of western chatter. From what I can see, there has been a fundamental and complete breakdown of reporting of the truth.
If there are airstrikes in libya, that will act as fuel for an explosion of the "unknown". We may well yet see, the west acting as a force for revolution!
Knot-Eyed Jaguar
The world speaks!
19.03.2011 10:57
Nice to know "the world" supports this action!
Concerned of Brigadoon!