Mental Illness, Discrimination and the Benefits System Tues. 22nd 8pm Glasgow
Martin O'Neill | 16.03.2011 20:40 | Social Struggles
Public Meeting
Mental Illness, Discrimination and the Benefits System
Tuesday 22nd March, 8pm, The Free Hetherington
Mental Illness, Discrimination and the Benefits System
Tuesday 22nd March, 8pm, The Free Hetherington
The new benefits cuts and reforms proposed by the coalition government are expected to hit claimants with mental illness especially hard. With the medical assessment and the new benefits being phased in, many people with ‘Invisible Illnesses’’ will fail to qualify. This presentation and discussion will explore these pressing issues along with the wider context of discrimination and stigma that create barriers to employment and social exclusion.
The Free Hetherington
The Glasgow University Occupation
13 University Gardens
Just off University Avenue,
Glasgow University Campus
The Free Hetherington
The Glasgow University Occupation
13 University Gardens
Just off University Avenue,
Glasgow University Campus

Martin O'Neill