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Dispatches - Lessons in Hate and Violence - Islam

Kawah | 15.03.2011 22:25 | Culture | Repression | Social Struggles | Birmingham | World

the very small sign of atrocity of religion ,

imagine when these kind of medieval idea rules the societies such as Iran, Pakistan, Somalia ,,etc.

Islamic Schools are gift of God for British culture ;) ,,,

just watch


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War against Islam Waged by Racist Zionists.

15.03.2011 22:54

Dispatches is Rubbish.

Its a British current affairs program usually concerning itself with editorial content determined by the UK Home Office.

Its content and editorial agenda is as clear as day.

The Eye.

Response to The Eye

16.03.2011 08:19

The Eye:

The documentary exposes the hate that is being preached in some Islamic schools. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Why are you so shocked that the Islamic schools are being exposed? Do you support these Islamic schools? Are you going to condemn what these schools were doing?

Thought not.


Dispatches and the Home Office.

16.03.2011 11:18

"The documentary exposes the hate that is being preached in some Islamic schools. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Why are you so shocked that the Islamic schools are being exposed? Do you support these Islamic schools? Are you going to condemn what these schools were doing?

Thought not."

I repeat, the Dispatches program takes guidance and direction from the UK Home Office and its editorial output is well known.

You are clearly unable to process that information which is your own problem, but independent activists who work here can process this information and will already be aware of the problems with the Dispatches program. It has a long history of problematic program making and output.


state control

16.03.2011 13:08

"the Dispatches program takes guidance and direction from the UK Home Office "

Anything to back that up?

paranoid pete

good exposé but linked video was put up by an EDL person

16.03.2011 14:29

I hate religion as much as the next person, and it is always good to expose them as the bigots they are.

But the linked Youtube video was put up by someone called alanEDL, so I assume they are in the English Defence League and equally bigoted in different ways.

This post smells to me as racism (bad) masquerading as anti-religion (good).

It could just be the original poster didn't realise whose YouTube account it was though.


"Clearly processing the informtation"

16.03.2011 19:12

Yes, clearly if i see a video of islam teaching people hate then, "clearly i can't process the information" because i'm stupid.

Of course, that video is a lie. Its all staged by the evil BBC and i clearly are unable to process the information correctly unlike you because you are so much smarter than me.

Clearly, anything that criticises the hate mongering of islam is clearly wrong, as we can't process that information. The BBC is owned by the government and clearly they make it hard to process the information.

In short, we are not smart enough to clearly process the information in these videos.


the far right & the far feft are both as bad as each other

16.03.2011 19:21

the story, and the post by "Neptune", are both from the same far right edl scumbag. the problem is that there are also racist scumbags in the islamic community and the far left often lose sight of that in the same way that they support oppresive regimes like north korea.

as a genuine anti-fascist i have no hesitation in condemning the racism of the islamic community, the racism of the edl and the blinkered stupidity of the far left when they deny the truth and pretend that everything is a cia/mi6/zionist conspiracy!

as always, the truth is somewhere in the middle.



16.03.2011 20:03

"Yes, clearly if i see a video of islam teaching people hate then, "clearly i can't process the information" because i'm stupid."

Yes dear, that's nice!

"Of course, that video is a lie. Its all staged by the evil BBC and i clearly are unable to process the information correctly unlike you because you are so much smarter than me."

If you say so!

"Clearly, anything that criticises the hate mongering of islam is clearly wrong, as we can't process that information. The BBC is owned by the government and clearly they make it hard to process the information."

You just said that!

"In short, we are not smart enough to clearly process the information in these videos."

Its not that your not smart enough to watch these video' press play then point your head in the direction of the moving images, it just your too stupid to make any sense of it.

But don't worry, this problem tends to rectify itself with age. Just wait twenty years and try again.

The Eye

Open Your Eyes

16.03.2011 20:31

I think what 'The Eye' is saying is that you can make a video like this about any religion or group in society. What we are witmessing at this current time is wave after wave of news and programming like this all focused on muslims. Ask yourself why, instead of joining the bandwagon.

And it's getting worse. Where is it heading?

Islamophobia is being stoked up big time. The fact that some people respond to programs like this by agreeing and decrying islam and 'the hate it preaches' instead of realising they are being manipulated and duped like stupid blockheaded morons is simply indicative of the fact that... they are stupid block headed morons.



16.03.2011 20:53

i hope dispatches do a program on block-headed morons
only through the clean medium of television can we learn
i have lived with muslims, jews and christians (not all at once mind) and they're all alright.... its the religions wots the problem see not the people.... unless they are block headed morons, like the troll who put this up in the first place
actually i think in my experience i would have to say that i prefer islam to judaism or that christianity
but then there are many kinds of all three, and some are good like sufism (which is also cool man) and gnosticism and those rabbi for peace dudes
so maybe its not the religion thats the problem afterall..... its the people
oh dear
im so bored of this..... it isnt that difficult is it?

chuck norris

having lived amongst you

16.03.2011 22:42

Sometimes the answer is the simplest one.
Muslims get bad press because they are a nightmare.

I used to wonder what racism was all about, until i lived in a heavy muslim area.
Firstly, I found my private parking space even blocked in or taken by muslims who were rushing to get to the mosque at the end of the road. I collared a few of them and they said things like "I'm late for prayer." - like thats my problem - should of left home earlier. Then i'd usually get abuse for telling them that i couldn't get my care out.

Secondly, one of my flatmakes (a really good looking girl), got loads of sexist abuse off groups of islamic kids. She said she didn't dare go to the local shop because it was so horrible.

Thirdly, my other flatmate was from New Zealand. The guys in the local shop worked this out and started showing him loads of anti-british literacy.... this is in England!! It was terrible.

The list goes on, I could type all night of my experiences.
I assume that most other people have shared similar experiences, which is why they don't really like Islam or Muslims.



17.03.2011 10:18

morris, if you met those american christian fundamentalist nutters who wave those plackards about 'fags' around, would you attribute those attitudes/behaviours to every christian in britain? would that say more about you, or them?
