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March20-Global BradleyManning Action Days-SupportAccused WikiLeaksWhistleblower

Bradley Manning Solidarity | 14.03.2011 18:34

Media Contact:
Jeff Paterson
Global Bradley Manning Action Days in Support of Accused WikiLeaks Whistleblower
Individuals and activists plan events around the world to show support for the accused WikiLeaks whistleblower on March 19-20.

Global Bradley Manning Action Days in Support of Accused WikiLeaks Whistleblower

Media Contact:
Jeff Paterson

Global Bradley Manning Action Days in Support of Accused WikiLeaks Whistleblower

Individuals and activists plan events around the world to show support for the accused WikiLeaks whistleblower on March 19-20.

Washington DC, March 14, 2011 — On March 19-20, 2011, activist organizations and individuals will take to the streets to protest the U.S. government’s treatment of accused WikiLeaks whistleblower Army Private First Class Bradley Manning. Manning, 23, has been held in isolation for nearly 300 days, charged with releasing classified documents, including a video that shows American troops shooting and killing 11 people, including two Reuters employees, in 2007.

Organizers are calling on supporters around the world to take public action to protest Manning’s inhumane treatment at the Quantico brig, which P.J. Crowley, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s former assistant for public affairs, declaimed last week as "ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid."

The primary rally will take place outside the brig in Quantico where Manning is being held. In addition to the Quantico rally, the Bradley Manning Support Network is pleased to announce events in cities around the world, including Minneapolis, London, Montreal, The Hague, Phoenix, San Diego, and Vienna.

“On March 2nd, Manning was stripped of his clothing and forced to spend the night naked, then stand for inspection the next morning without his clothes. This happened again the following night, and we don’t know how long this will keep going,” said Jeff Paterson, steering committee member of the Bradley Manning Support Network and project director of Courage to Resist. “This pre-trial punishment is inhumane and un-American.”

Despite the recommendations of three forensic military psychiatrists, the MCB Quantico Commander refuses to lift PFC Manning's Prevention of Injury (POI) status and change his confinement classification from MAX to Medium Custody In (MDI).

Manning’s imprisonment has resulted in an international outcry, and his conditions are the subject of an investigation by the UN special rapporteur on torture and a recent campaign by Amnesty International. Famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, who will be speaking at a rally in Quantico on the 20th, has called Mr. Manning “a new hero of mine.”

More Information:
• See currently scheduled list of events:
• Details about the Quantico rally:
• Details are also cross-posted at WLCentral
• Learn how to host a rally for Bradley Manning:

# # #

The Bradley Manning Support Network is a grassroots, nonpartisan organization which works to:
• Stop the extreme, inhumane and illegal pre-trial punishment of Bradley Manning
• Ensure that Bradley Manning receives top-notch legal representation from the lawyer of his choice
• Stop any effort by the United States government to hold a secret court martial trial, unchecked by public and media oversight
• Free Bradley Manning!

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Bradley Manning is a Anti-Fascist Hero and a Law abiding Citizen.

14.03.2011 22:03


U.S. Judge Jackson who chaired the Trials wrote into international law that the planning and doing of aggressive war is the supreme international crime on the planet earth, as it actuates all other crime high, low, big, and small. He furthers says that it is the supreme international crime whether Germany does it or the U.s.A. does it.

Here you can see that since 1945, the U.S.A. has been doing the worlds worst sort international crime on the planet, with more that seventy invasions and illegal occupations. The U.s. Constitution says that international treaties signed on to by the Constitution are to be considered as the supreme laws of the land. This shows that the national and international anti-fascist laws of war signed on to have been disobeyed, broke, and dishonored by the U.s. Government, and they have yet to be brought to international and national justice for their worst of all war crimes globally as well as in their own country.

Julian Assange and Bradley Manning are exceptions to the unjust wars, and illegal violence purportrated by U.S. Military Imperialism, and their discredited axis military myth methods such as 1) Might makes Right, 2) Unilateralism, 3) Pre-emptive strikes. In fact the whisleblowers Assange, and Manning are world heroes who if the U.S. continues its persecution of, it will find that the U.s. and its military will only be digging its own quagmire holes larger and larger till it finds no way out.

The U.s. Military, industrial, prison complex is all conquoring now, and riding high on their own lying propaganda that they are the liberation, but the peoples in the streets around the world of over seventy percent are opposed to their unjust wars, and illegal occupations, and tired of the lying propaganda that they are freeing the world, while polluting and waring against the planets livability beyond the ability of nature to sustain life.

Viva socialist liberation. End pollution wars, not endless wars for more and more pollution. Free Bradley Manning and Julian Assange for upholding freedom of the press and exposing the U.S. authorities lies against the worlds freedom and livability.

Further more to arrive again at the liberation side of the unity and struggle, the U.S. needs to double democracy, and elect woman equally politically, economically, judicially, and religo wise.
The present male domination of democracy is a fraudulent democracy that leaves gender parity and the necessary restoration of the matriarchy, outside of the material laws of harmony and joy of the species which can only be accessed by 50-50 electing which is natures way. Viva Gender Parity, which both Assange and Manning believe in.

Union Jack.

D.C. protest y'

15.03.2011 08:44

Washington (CNN) -- Protesters -- some of them virtually naked on a breezy 50-degree March afternoon -- noisily demonstrated outside the State Department and marched to the White House Monday, calling for the release of WikiLeaks suspect Pfc. Bradley Manning.

Manning's case, and details of his detention at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Virginia, have drawn new attention in the aftermath of comments by State Department Spokesman, P.J. Crowley, and Crowley's sudden weekend resignation.

Amidst reports that Manning had been forced to sleep without clothing and confined to his cell 23-hours a day, Crowley had criticized how Manning was held at Quantico, calling it "ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid," according to news reports. Crowley was the face and voice of the Obama administration on the full-range of diplomatic issues and is a former Air Force colonel.

Photo/article continued.....

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Code Pink Flickr from D.C. protest for Manning & New Times editorial "The Abuse

15.03.2011 13:55

Code Pink Flickr from D.C. protest for Manning & New Times editorial "The Abuse of Private Manning"

Code Pink Flickr from D.C. protest for Manning & New Times editorial on Manning Conditons

New York Times editorial on Manning
The Abuse of Private Manning
Published: March 14, 2011

Pfc. Bradley Manning, who has been imprisoned for nine months on charges of handing government files to WikiLeaks, has not even been tried let alone convicted. Yet the military has been treating him abusively, in a way that conjures creepy memories of how the Bush administration used to treat terror suspects. Inexplicably, it appears to have President Obama’s support to do so.

Private Manning is in solitary confinement at the Marine Corps brig in Quantico, Va. For one hour a day, he is allowed to walk around a room in shackles. He is forced to remove all his clothes every night. And every morning he is required to stand outside his cell, naked, until he passes inspection and is given his clothes back.

Military officials say, without explanation, that these precautions are necessary to prevent Private Manning from injuring himself. They have put him on “prevention of injury” watch, yet his lawyers say there is no indication that he is suicidal and the military has not placed him on a suicide watch. (He apparently made a sarcastic comment about suicide.)

Forced nudity is a classic humiliation technique. During the early years of the Bush administration’s war on terror, C.I.A. interrogators regularly stripped prisoners to break down barriers of resistance, increase compliance and extract information. One C.I.A. report from 2004 said that nudity, along with sleep deprivation and dietary manipulation, was used to create a mind-set in which the prisoner “learns to perceive and value his personal welfare, comfort and immediate needs more than the information he is protecting.”

Article continued...

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