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Come and meet the TSG in Wimbledon on 10 April

2ic | 10.03.2011 07:16 | Repression

On 10 April Wimbledon Police Station has an ‘Open Day’.

From 12 O’Clock we’ll be able to walk in and find out what they’re up to.

According to the Met:

"Come and visit Wimbledon Police Station and meet officers not only from your local station but officers from specialist units including Mounted Branch (horses) , Territorial Support Group(TSG- public order) , Counter Terrorism Explosive Ordnance Disposal to name but a few".

So if we all turn up that at least should give members of the public a chance to meet FIT, NPOIU, NDET and NETCU officers and possibly even see them in action. If we’re really lucky there could be some undercover officers there as well.

Oh what fun!



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why can´t indymedia have

10.03.2011 16:30

a like box like facebook. i like.....

me again

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