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Download!! Dissident Island Radio 4 March 2011 (Dissident Island) | 06.03.2011 16:24

Dissident Island Episode 77: DOWNLOAD NOW!!!

- Words from some Grow Heathrow residents about their upcoming PEDAL bike ride to Palestine as well as talking to us about Reclaim the Fields
- Justus, our German correspondent, spoke to us about Antifa in Dresden and Anit-Nuclear actions across Germany
- An audio piece from Dale Farm travellers site in Essex, the biggest travellers site in Europe some of which is under threat of eviction
- Little Shit in the things of thing knockin out fat dubstep tunes like
- Some announcement about upcoming events
- Music from Killabomb, 52 Commercial Road and audio poetry by Charles Bukowski (Dissident Island)
- Original article on IMC Northern England: