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Mannin completely stripped in cell AND GermanPanorama TV(12mins)-BradleyManning:

Ciaron | 05.03.2011 07:13

German Panorama TV (12mins) - Bradley Manning:"Whistleblower Jailed; Shooters Walk Free!"
12-min TV program on Bradley Manning EXCELLENT! ... and usable
(thanx Ray!)

You may be familiar with "Panorama," the oldest and most respected "60 Minutes"-type program on German TV. They did an excellent 12-min special, featuring Ethan McCord the U.S. soldier who tried to save the Iraqi child after the U.S. gunship massacres, ex-C.I.A. analyst Ray McGovern, various talking heads and U.S.politicians calling for the execution of Bradley Manning and others and lots of footage from the "collateral murder" original tape. It aired about three weeks ago.

The program had unusually broad and intense resonance in Germany. it's available to all who understand English. It is, I think, VERY good. Perhaps you can promote it?

here is the URL

(English Title: Whistleblower Jailed; Shooters Walk Free)

***********Manning completely stripped of all clothing.
...what else do you want to take from him Obama for exposing the nature of your wars?

The torture continues and escalates

I spoke to a Catholic Worker friend in New York last night who attended the demonstration at Quantico in January.
He said one of the marines guarding the base said to him that he "is ashamed what he and they are doing to Manning".

I thinka lot of us claiming to be in the anti-war movement shouod be asahmed for what we are NOT doing for Manning!

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I know you're Catholic, but guilt-tripping people won't get you far

06.03.2011 02:16

Tip: trying to guilt-trip people into doing things will never work in the long run.

A bit less negativity and a bit more positivity will work wonders. How about some practical advice on how people can help heroes like Bradley Manning?


"anger (not guilt) is an energy" j.rotten

06.03.2011 08:52

Wasn't guilt tripping...more like anger methinx...and as that great Irish Catholice Johnny Rotten once said...."anger is an energy!"

I get angry at the @ scene, anti-war movement (who invited Manning to take the position he did then hung him out to dry) and the Irish because I have expectations of only get disappointed when you have expectations.

I've also found it frustrating in my 7 years being voluntary active in England where NGO's, lefty closed platforms are run by paid up public school boyz with such sense of entitlement..who can't empathise with Manning because they haven't spent a night in custody and have no intention of doing anything that would risk that.

In Engand there was just me until January, there are now a handful of us...and maybe Amensty are finaly getting their arse into gear now after 7 months of torture in terms of priroritising Manning...about how much Amensty are willing to takeon the Americans...jury still out on that one.

We now have a email list WISE (Welsh Irish English Scottish) UP FOR BRADLEY MANNING
You can get an address to write to Bradley and everything from t-shirts to badges to whisle (whstlebower giittit!!!) fron this website

We will be holding a major event in Harringey at Giuseppe Conlon Venue in mid April
It looks like U.S. folka are heding back to Quantico on wil lok at going to U.S. Embassy at the same time

Any other ideas out there in cyber space????


that great Irish Catholice Johnny Rotten once said...."anger is an energy!"

06.03.2011 12:06

I assume you are taking the piss or maybe not. He may have been catholic (not Catholice) we all have our crosses to bear but he was never great, just a complete fucking sell out piece of shite, you follow....

Aunty Christ

Response and a suggestion

07.03.2011 10:44

Aunty Christ ya back
Johnny had his moment of greatness......paradigm shifting. But ya had to be there!
By the sounds of your previous comments and stalking your probably too young to have been around for the Silver Jubilee.
Your moment of greatness seems to be these Mark Chapman moments of harrasing me! No?

catholic you might be right on that one
"catholice"...don't think he had problem with lice

As you grow older and mature there will be many who will disappoint you and your young hopes
Peter Garret from Midnight Oil, for example, is now opening uranium mines in Australia after moving a lot of product with anti-nuke lyrics in the '80's. Comparitively, Johnny in old age is relatively harmless. No?

The sell out you should be concerned about is an anti-war movement that calls for resistance in the military and then abandons Bradley Manning when he answers the call. I think your obssession with al things Catholic and moi in particular is unhealthy. Give it a rest. If ya don't like my posts don't open the link!

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Sure and your effective NVDA will change everything as always

07.03.2011 11:35

and it aint healthy putting the term Catholic and Anarchist together as it shows you don't have an understanding of Anarchism, Give it a rest. Religious mumbo jumbo mixed with liberal non effective politics just providing you with an ego massage and an avenue to push your silly imaginery friends onto the most vunerable within our society. Give it a rest and if you don't like my comments, tough!

Aunty Christ


07.03.2011 22:39

Dude do some reading on christian anarchism and the catholic worker, if ya can't handle a book do some googling!
Otheriwise, let's have a face to face?
I'll be at U.S. embassy March 20th for Bradley Manning as other Catholic Workers will be at Quantico.
Dealing with you will be a speed bump on the way to taking on the Empire.
I'm from Australia, we're use to swatting flies as we get on with our day.
You present no threat.
Just saw "Animal Kingdom" today, as a birthday treat. Well worth the watch.
Makes ya kind of homesick...for a society and anarchist scene ess obssessed with pretension........cops, robbers, barirsters and matriarchs.

As Johnny said when I saw him with the Sex Pistols live in hometown Ireland as some twerp much like yourself anonymously and cowardly through a full can of beer at him..
"Look mate, you've got real enemies and I'm not one of them!"


Did you butter each other up Ciaron?

08.03.2011 08:35

Stick with your imaginery friend in the sky, your "country life butter", your pointless ineffective politics and your massive massive EGO. I don't quite know who you are trying to impress but I think you should spend more time with CAAT as they are do pretty much the same pointless stuff as you also pretending they are achieving something oh and guess what they attract lots of religious nutters also. And by the way Anarchism and religion do not, have not and never will be associated together so put that with your NVDA guidelines mate

Read and learn

If anarchism is the rejection of illegitimate authorities, then it follows that it is the rejection of the so-called Ultimate Authority, God."

Anarchism has declared war on the pernicious influences which have so far prevented the harmonious blending of individual and social instincts, the individual and society. Religion, the dominion of the human mind; Property, the dominion of human needs; and Government, the dominion of human conduct, represent the stronghold of man's enslavement and all the horrors it entails. : Emma Goldman

Aunty Christ

yet again reply to issues raised on the thread...rememebr Bradley Manning?

08.03.2011 10:11


If your worried about my ego this stalking/trolling is not's kind of flattering!
So once again your being self-defeating, being the self isolating subcultural adolescent "anarchist" (in England that could merely mean your a conservative individualist with a hipper dress sense!).

Our organised anarchist Catholic Worker movement has been going since 1933 (lot of interaction with the IWW in the '30's..our founder Dorothy Day (no not Doris!) was always a card carrying Wobbly and I haven't got around to paing my dues for a while (your sectarian schtick doesn't play well on the libertarian left in the U.S. where the Catholic Worker with it's 180 non state funded houses of hospitality for the homeless, militant NVDA is a recognised part of the organised anarchist movement. Again read some books!

"Instructing the ignorant" is one of the recognised "works of mercy" along with feeding the hungry, burying the dead, visiting the imprisoned, shelering the homeless....but there's only so many ours in the day! And you still haven't mentioned BRADLEY MANNING on this Bradley Manning thread. Go figure?

CAAT yeah had a bit to do with them in the '90's around East Timor when we were sheltering and doing NVDA at BAe Warton with courageous East Timorese exiles (I still got a lifetime injunction and a hundred grand legal bill outta that one)...CAAT were doing their NGO bit from London at the time...

CAAT had BAe 6 spies (CAAT were paying one to spy on them, Martin) and Liverpool Catholic Worker had one on us full time Alan Fossey former 14 company British one gathering of 35 at our place...4 spies were present...not sure how many came from CAAT?

I went to the recent CAAT conference where CW / CAAT member Chris Cole presented.
I'm cool with CAAT but ya know yerself there's always tensions between those of us unpaid activist and the paid ones...but nothing ya can's deal with when ya keep ya eyes on the prize and the big picture.

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