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Building A Strong Organisation [2]

Bristol Solidarity Federation | 03.03.2011 23:22

Whether you’ve got a union or not, join Bristol Solidarity Federation for a one-day workshop on how to create strong organisation in your workplace and take on the bosses.
It can be tough if you are pissed off at work. If you are in a union can you get the advice and support you need? Would like to organise you and your mates to take on your boss.
This day can give the skills and confidence to start getting going. Learn what is possible if you organise your workplace.
Topics include: building a ‘shop committee’, cross-union activity,
collectivising grievances and organising for direct action.
How to book your place: contact to
reserve your spot. Then sketch out a rough outline of your workplace
(a “job map”) that will be used during the training.

Saturday 19th March 2011
Bristol Youth Hostel,
14 Narrow Quay, Bristol, BS1 4QA
£10 cost includes (a meat-free) lunch.

Bristol Solidarity Federation
- Original article on IMC Bristol: