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Oil, Gas, Algeria-Libya and the Empire

sonsofmalcolm | 03.03.2011 14:53

Oil, Gas, Algeria-Libya and the Empire
By Sukant Chandan
Tue 1st March 2011

Oil, Gas, Algeria-Libya and the Empire
By Sukant Chandan
Tue 1st March 2011

On the 24th February Last week a right-wing British mainstream newspaper The Evening Standard business section had a major piece on the price of oil. All the calculations were based on: if Algeria follows Libya. Al-Jazeera is playing an increasingly obvious role in helping the West to target certain states for regime change through 'colour revolution' type of movements, with the whole of NATO, EU, and the US supporting the forces who want to overthrow the Libyan state and especially Libyan leader, Ghadafi.

Al-Jazeera have failed to have one voice which gives any anti-imperialist critique as to events in Libya, whereas they have given all the time to well-known CIA and MI6-backed Libyan opposition groups such as the National Front for the Salvation of Libya. Perhaps one of the low points of Al-Jazeera recently is allowing Britain to get away with murder, literally. Al-Jazeera made nearly no criticism of British Prime Minister Cameron's arms selling trip to the Gulf. Instead of using this trip to agitate the regional revolution, as they did in Tunisia and Egypt, they gave Cameron all the airtime to conduct war propaganda against Libya. Furthermore Al-Jazeera has at least twice given pro-western voices airtime to finger Algeria: Firstly Jeremy Keenan, a security 'expert' on North Africa, launched a major attack on Algeria alleging that it was involved militarily in Libya to help Ghadafi against the rebellion there. Secondly British economist Neil Atkinson, Energy Director of Datamonitor mentioned Algeria after a whole show discussing Libyan oil and energy issues at 23mins 10secs on this program.

If the West wrests control of Libyan & Algerian hydrocarbons (which at present they don't have - joint ventures, exploration rights, profit sharing agreements does not constitute the type of monopolisation and control that western oil companies require) - then it is a massive boost to the West, giving it life for another century-nearly, which is a strategic set back for the Third World revolution which has pushed back US hegemony for the good part of the last decade.

Specifically for Western Europe, one leg with US & Japan of the tripod of the western capitalist world system aka Empire. Western Europe has basically three sources of oil & gas - North Sea; Middle East & North Africa (MENA); Russia & former Soviet republics (CIS). North Sea oil & gas is divided between Britain & Norway. Norway's is quite enough for its domestic needs. Good for Norway.

The UK's is not - and is rapidly being depleted. Maybe there are major new fields but British capitalism, which is in a decrepit and decaying state, does not have the dough to develop them. Regarding CIS, Russia is simply too big to just be a puppet besides which Putin is a patriot. Only the communist party and government collapsed in USSR. The Soviet army & the security/intelligence services did not and they are the main component of state power. The empire set great store on pitting Ukraine against Russia. But the return of Yanukovich is the return of Ukraine to the Russian camp. Kazakhstan & Turkimenistan, the other two key CIS oil/gas powers are also increasingly aligned with Russia & China.

Hence MENA grows in importance. And in this smokeless oil/gas war Libya & Algeria (if anything Algeria) have been staunchly aligned with Russia. Not to mention being solid OPEC brothers in the same trench with Venezuela, Iran, etc. Added importance of Libya & Algeria to Europe is geographical proximity and also that Libyan oil is sweet crude.

A western victory in Libya in overthrowing the state and Libyan leader would mean that it would march on Algeria. Indeed Al-Jazeera is also pushing for rebellion in Algeria. However, capturing Libya and Algeria for the empire would mean possibly a second life for it's quickly degenerating hegemonic position across the world. Empire failing to achieve its aims in Libya would mean another defeat for the West. While most of the West's militarily aggressive stance on Libya is mostly psy-ops, as the West cannot maintain even no-fly zones over Libya, the West has pushed itself into a position whereby the defeat of the empire in Libya would be that much more profound and significant as a result of the hysterically high pitched nature of imperialist arrogance and propaganda over Libya.


Sukant Chandan is a London-based political analyst and filmmaker and can be contacted at

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Hide the following 4 comments


03.03.2011 23:56

a really thought provoking analysis. Nice one.


Shame on You

06.03.2011 12:59

It is really incredible how some people align themselves with dictators and suppressors of human rights. In this article you are failing to make hard any of your allegations , but you don't refrain from tearing conclusions. For example : out of the fact that main-stream media are discussing the future of oil production in Libya, to tear the conclusion of some kind of western conspiracy, needs really a lot of fantasy.

It is a shame how people who are sacrificing their lives to get rid of a dictator are painted black by you as tools in the hands of the west in order to lay their hands on the oil riches from Mena.

But the chance that those companies or countries who cooperated with, or supported a dictator,will loose their contracts, is undeniable, and understandable, quite big. Let's hope that this will happen, and maybe companies in future will think twice to cooperate or support dictators and kleptocracies.

Beno Klee


07.03.2011 09:38

beno klee.... have you not been watching the sophisticated media campaign of lies with regards to libya? there has been no evidence of mercenaries, there has been no evidence of air strikes on civilians, there has been no evidence of gaddafi's supposed billions abroad, there has been no evidence of his sons defecting.. .the list goes on. please, please show me conclusive evidence to this. please. when i say evidence, i don't mean anonymous statements or heresay, but conclusive evidence.

this is like the iraq war (part 1&2) all over again. remember the nonstop beating of the war drums by the media.. . ?

really, i thought indymedia, of ALL places, would be the place where you find people suspicious of the condemnation from all western countries and all the media agencies. when have you ever seen such support for a revolutionary movement before? when have the west EVER intervened anywhere for humanitarian purposes. or, actually, is there inteference only ever in line with their state intrests?


Which conspiracy ?

07.03.2011 20:19

I think it is quite obvious to everyone that Western regimes, and actually almost everybody, were taken by surprise by the events that were evolving First in Tunesia, then in Egypt, and now in Lybia. They rather reluctantly put themselves at the side of the Arab democracy movements, since it meant, that they had to turn their back to their long time allies. There is absolutely no comparison possible between the media treatment of the Iraq wars and what is now happening in Lybia. Your conspiracy theory against Lybia is also in complete contradiction with the good ties that Ghadaffi in recent years had developed with European leaders (especially Berlusconi and Tony Blair). Even American companies were back in business in Lybia. Europe very reluctantly showed some moral support for the pro-democracy movement. You are asking for prooves ? Allready forgotten the Egyptian repression ? During the demonstrations we only had eyewitness accounts, which could not be verified by western journalists, and which were denied by government officials. Even doctors at the hospitals were to afraid to give free any information . Afterwards, the real extent of the culling became obvious. These regimes have such a tight control of the media, that asking for prooves at this stage is really intellectually unfair. The only thing we have are the eye-witness accounts from different independent sources (doctors working in hospitals,etc…). And the sad experience tells us that the reality is much worse than the information that reaches us…
Everybody who is an advocate for human rights can only hope that Ghadaffi will be overthrown.

Beno Klee