AstraZeneca Week of Action saw conference disruptions and many demos across Lond
SHAC London | 01.03.2011 13:05 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles
AstraZeneca are a major customer and vocal supporter of HLS's cruel methods of animal torture and scientific fraud, AZ even have the audacity to state that no suffering occurs at HLS! Two days of action against them in London - get involved!
Day 1 - Wednesday, 23rd February
Activists in London targeted the three day Predictive Toxicology Conference 2011 near Tower Hill as part of the week of action against AstraZeneca.
Strolling past security and down into the American Square Conference Centre at One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB. Tel: 020 7706 7700 the activists disrupted a talk in the Ludgate room by AstraZeneca's Mick Fellows to find out why AstraZeneca continue their support for HLS and vivisection despite numerous exposés revealing the company’s cruelty towards animals and lack of regard for the law. Carrying placards and chanting they walked onto the stage to directly address AstraZeneca's speaker and the other delegates asking AstraZeneca and Pfizer to follow the lead of Novartis, Roche and other pharma companies and stop funding HLS's cruel experiments. The speaker was ordered by another delegate not to answer any questions! (Have you not heard of freedom of speech AstraZeneca?!)
The AstraZeneca speaker looked uncomfortable when accused of associating with criminals and refused to justify AstraZeneca’s involvement with HLS. Security eventually ended his embarrassment by man-handling the activists and escorting them outside the conference room. As they left the activists continued to loudly demand an end to support for HLS and left them a noisy present too!
Please contact the America Conference Centre and ask them (politely) not to host these conferences until they stop dealing with companies that torture animals for profit. Tel: 0207 706 7700 or email:
It's time to dump HLS and vivisection AstraZeneca! We're not going away until you do!
Day 2 - Thursday, 24th February
Continuing the week of action against AstraZeneca, activists decided to pay a visit to the second of this week’s conference events attended by this deplorable company; a Generic Medicines conference held at the Hilton London Paddington hotel, 146 Praed Street, London W2 1EE. (Tel: 0207 850 0500).
The day was scheduled to begin with a talk lead by Renaud Sarvary from AstraZeneca. With this perfect opportunity to name and shame AstraZeneca for their involvement with HLS, activists (dressed in suits!) managed to once again bypass security and enter the Great Western 1 room during the middle of the talk.
Whilst the audience looked on in surprise, peaceful campaigners unfurled posters displaying images of animals that have been murdered at the hands of HLS’ sadistic workers.
Activists talked with the attendees as speeches were made describing AstraZeneca’s unethical support of HLS, despite repeated exposure of Huntingdon’s malpractice and record of extreme animal abuse. Eventually, campaigners were led from the building, whilst continuing to denounce AstraZeneca and reveal the truth about HLS to the public inside the busy hotel.
Take this as a message AstraZeneca – until you cut your ties with HLS, we will continue turning up at your events and ensuring that everybody knows what a morally bankrupt organisation you are!
At the same time back at the Predictive Toxicology conference on the other side of London an unknown activist allegedly released balloons, saying "Close down HLS" with alarms attached to them in the reception area of the building as a little reminder to the pharma conference and it's hosts there.
Following all this, to further increase the pressure on AstraZeneca, other campaigners made their way to a new target – Aviva Investors at 1 Poultry, London EC2R 8EJ. (Tel: 020 7809 6000 and 0800 0154 773), who part own AstraZeneca’s new HQ building in Paddington, London.
Seizing upon the fact that Aviva were unprepared for protests, 2 activists managed to convince the building staff to allow them upstairs to Aviva’s offices. Once there, the activists walked into the busy offices, including two boardrooms in which meetings were taking place. Waving placards and informing the surprised staff about their company’s involvement in sickening animal experimentation and their support of AstraZeneca.
After spreading their message throughout the building, the activists joined the loud demonstration which had begun outside the entrance of Aviva Investor's building.
Not sure how to deal with all the attention, Aviva Investors went into lockdown, with staff being ushered in and out through a back entrance, surrounded by bemused police offices, while deliveries and visitors were turned away, peaceful protesters chanted and gave out much information about HLS and AstraZeneca to the many interested passers-by.
Next stop was Axa's UK HQ at 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD. (Tel: 020 7920 5900) as Axa are a large equity and institutional investor of AstraZeneca. Axa pretend to have an ethical policy and care about animal welfare with their links to the RSPCA, while at the same time continue to invest in animal experiments at HLS. Once gain, with much support and interest from the busy afternoon public we continued to name and shame Axa for their involvement and investment in animal torture at HLS.
Last but one, we headed to Legal & General's offices at 1 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5AA. (Tel: 020 3124 3000 and 0800 027 7169). As they are also a large equity investor in AstraZeneca. We are not surprised about Legal & General ethical credentials as they have been caught out making money out of arm deals with cluster bombs, it just shows how corrupt and greedy the companies in the city are. Well, there is now another reason to give you more attention L&G - investing in animal abuse with AstraZeneca at HLS and we will continue to focus on any company that thinks it's ok to make money off the back of extreme animal suffering and murder.
To finish the day of protests campaigners returned to the America Square, where the Predictive Toxicology conference was finishing for the week – sending AstraZeneca, Pfizer and other attendees home with the message that HLS is a disgusting company and that anyone who supports them has the blood of 500 animals on their hands every day. Along with a stark reminder that if you deal with the vivisection industry or HLS in any way, we will be there to let the public know what you get up to.
Until all are free, we will not rest.
SHAC London
Activists in London targeted the three day Predictive Toxicology Conference 2011 near Tower Hill as part of the week of action against AstraZeneca.
Strolling past security and down into the American Square Conference Centre at One America Square, 17 Crosswall, London EC3N 2LB. Tel: 020 7706 7700 the activists disrupted a talk in the Ludgate room by AstraZeneca's Mick Fellows to find out why AstraZeneca continue their support for HLS and vivisection despite numerous exposés revealing the company’s cruelty towards animals and lack of regard for the law. Carrying placards and chanting they walked onto the stage to directly address AstraZeneca's speaker and the other delegates asking AstraZeneca and Pfizer to follow the lead of Novartis, Roche and other pharma companies and stop funding HLS's cruel experiments. The speaker was ordered by another delegate not to answer any questions! (Have you not heard of freedom of speech AstraZeneca?!)
The AstraZeneca speaker looked uncomfortable when accused of associating with criminals and refused to justify AstraZeneca’s involvement with HLS. Security eventually ended his embarrassment by man-handling the activists and escorting them outside the conference room. As they left the activists continued to loudly demand an end to support for HLS and left them a noisy present too!
Please contact the America Conference Centre and ask them (politely) not to host these conferences until they stop dealing with companies that torture animals for profit. Tel: 0207 706 7700 or email:

It's time to dump HLS and vivisection AstraZeneca! We're not going away until you do!
Day 2 - Thursday, 24th February
Continuing the week of action against AstraZeneca, activists decided to pay a visit to the second of this week’s conference events attended by this deplorable company; a Generic Medicines conference held at the Hilton London Paddington hotel, 146 Praed Street, London W2 1EE. (Tel: 0207 850 0500).
The day was scheduled to begin with a talk lead by Renaud Sarvary from AstraZeneca. With this perfect opportunity to name and shame AstraZeneca for their involvement with HLS, activists (dressed in suits!) managed to once again bypass security and enter the Great Western 1 room during the middle of the talk.
Whilst the audience looked on in surprise, peaceful campaigners unfurled posters displaying images of animals that have been murdered at the hands of HLS’ sadistic workers.
Activists talked with the attendees as speeches were made describing AstraZeneca’s unethical support of HLS, despite repeated exposure of Huntingdon’s malpractice and record of extreme animal abuse. Eventually, campaigners were led from the building, whilst continuing to denounce AstraZeneca and reveal the truth about HLS to the public inside the busy hotel.
Take this as a message AstraZeneca – until you cut your ties with HLS, we will continue turning up at your events and ensuring that everybody knows what a morally bankrupt organisation you are!
At the same time back at the Predictive Toxicology conference on the other side of London an unknown activist allegedly released balloons, saying "Close down HLS" with alarms attached to them in the reception area of the building as a little reminder to the pharma conference and it's hosts there.
Following all this, to further increase the pressure on AstraZeneca, other campaigners made their way to a new target – Aviva Investors at 1 Poultry, London EC2R 8EJ. (Tel: 020 7809 6000 and 0800 0154 773), who part own AstraZeneca’s new HQ building in Paddington, London.
Seizing upon the fact that Aviva were unprepared for protests, 2 activists managed to convince the building staff to allow them upstairs to Aviva’s offices. Once there, the activists walked into the busy offices, including two boardrooms in which meetings were taking place. Waving placards and informing the surprised staff about their company’s involvement in sickening animal experimentation and their support of AstraZeneca.
After spreading their message throughout the building, the activists joined the loud demonstration which had begun outside the entrance of Aviva Investor's building.
Not sure how to deal with all the attention, Aviva Investors went into lockdown, with staff being ushered in and out through a back entrance, surrounded by bemused police offices, while deliveries and visitors were turned away, peaceful protesters chanted and gave out much information about HLS and AstraZeneca to the many interested passers-by.
Next stop was Axa's UK HQ at 5 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AD. (Tel: 020 7920 5900) as Axa are a large equity and institutional investor of AstraZeneca. Axa pretend to have an ethical policy and care about animal welfare with their links to the RSPCA, while at the same time continue to invest in animal experiments at HLS. Once gain, with much support and interest from the busy afternoon public we continued to name and shame Axa for their involvement and investment in animal torture at HLS.
Last but one, we headed to Legal & General's offices at 1 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5AA. (Tel: 020 3124 3000 and 0800 027 7169). As they are also a large equity investor in AstraZeneca. We are not surprised about Legal & General ethical credentials as they have been caught out making money out of arm deals with cluster bombs, it just shows how corrupt and greedy the companies in the city are. Well, there is now another reason to give you more attention L&G - investing in animal abuse with AstraZeneca at HLS and we will continue to focus on any company that thinks it's ok to make money off the back of extreme animal suffering and murder.
To finish the day of protests campaigners returned to the America Square, where the Predictive Toxicology conference was finishing for the week – sending AstraZeneca, Pfizer and other attendees home with the message that HLS is a disgusting company and that anyone who supports them has the blood of 500 animals on their hands every day. Along with a stark reminder that if you deal with the vivisection industry or HLS in any way, we will be there to let the public know what you get up to.
Until all are free, we will not rest.
SHAC London
SHAC London
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More disruption at Pharma conference
01.03.2011 13:32
Fireman Joe
03.03.2011 01:53
Steve (the dog) Pearl